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What is TCAST

TCAST is a tech and data podcast, hosted by Alexander McCaig and Jason Rigby. Together, they discuss the most exciting trends in big data, AI, and humanity. It’s a fearless examination of the latest developments in digital transformation and innovation.

The pair also interview data scientists, thought leaders, and industry experts. Pioneers in the skills and technologies we need for human progress. Explore our extensive TCAST selection at your pace, on your channel of choice.


Blog Podcast search
October 22, 2021

The Secret to Success With Jeff Gothelf, Agility Expert and Author of Forever Employable

In today’s fast-paced world, it is easy to pin our personal worth to the amount of work that we do. It almost seems like our pursuit for happiness no longer resides in finding what we are passionate about, but in...
October 21, 2021

Why Data Is Absolutely Necessary for the Evolution of Humans Part 3

Have you ever been so caught up in the process of creating something, you wind up losing sight of what you wanted as an end product? Hard work and ambition are admirable, especially when invested in the creation of new...
October 20, 2021

Why Data Is Absolutely Necessary for the Evolution of Humans Part 2

How many times have we been placed in uncomfortable situations, and in which ones can we confidently say that we had the knowledge we needed to exit the circumstance with grace? Sometimes, our minds take shortcuts when we need to...
October 15, 2021

Why Data Is Absolutely Necessary for the Evolution of Humans Part 1

One common misconception of data is that it is out of reach for many of us: a confusing mixture of encrypted numbers, letters, and other symbols that do not really hold any significance for the general populace. However, recent developments...
October 14, 2021

Everyday Chaos: Technology, Complexity, and How We're Thriving in a New World of Possibility with Long-Time Affiliate of Harvard's Berkman Klein Center and Best Selling Author David Weinberger, Ph.D

Technology is quickly becoming the backbone of modern infrastructure. At the pace that it is progressing, it may someday become as ubiquitous and as vital to our economy as cement and concrete. However, AI is agnostic. Despite its immense computing...
October 13, 2021

The Social Aspects of Long-Term Health: TARTLE and SDOH Packets

Social determinants of health (SDOH) refer to a wide variety of nonmedical factors that can influence an individual’s health. It looks at environments where people are born, live, work, play, and age.  This has a bigger impact on our wellbeing...
October 12, 2021

I Think, Therefore I Earn: Selling Your Data on the TARTLE Marketplace

With all the technology that we have today, imagine how all the most important and meaningful parts of your life have been condensed into a bunch of data packets. Now that people are becoming more aware of how all-encompassing our...
October 9, 2021

Using Data to Eliminate the T-Rexes of the Modern World

Studying the history of life is an important venture. It’s how we understand why certain characteristics exist in living organisms, and it can also be used to explain the importance of biological events that are happening today.  A study on...
October 8, 2021

Is Wealth Inequality Entrenched in Our Legal Code? With Scholar and Author Katharina Pistor

Money doesn’t grow on trees, but we know some people have vast reservoirs of wealth at their disposal. In certain cases, their tools for wealth creation are passed down from generation to generation. Why do these bottlenecks happen and why...
October 7, 2021

Data-Driven Government Surveillance Can Be a Nightmare

Can data be used to harm other people? The reality is that in some parts of the world, it is already being used to trial increased surveillance and fuel oppressive social systems. This is a clear indication that technology will...
October 6, 2021

Can We Trust Insurance Companies With Big Data?

Insurance. No one likes it. No one really wants it. We definitely hate paying for it. And why wouldn’t we? Insurance companies are notorious for not wanting to pay out any money on a claim and sometimes dropping people if...
October 2, 2021

Becoming Antifragile in the Pursuit of Knowledge

Despite significant technological and scientific progress in the study of physics, time, and space, it looks like we still have a long way to go before we ever truly understand the impact of what we are looking for.  When exploring...
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