Tartle Best Data Marketplace
Tartle Best Data Marketplace
Tartle Best Data Marketplace
Tartle Best Data Marketplace
June 26, 2021

Deep Dive into Data Packets - Walkthrough 5

Deep Dive into Data Packets - Walkthrough

Walkthrough Time Pt.5: Wrap Up

Here we are at the end of our little walkthrough the TARTLE set-up process. If you have been following along over at TARTLEcast, Alex and Jason have taken you through the whole system, from going to www.tartle.co for the first time to filling out the data packets so you can get rewarded for sharing your data. Along the way, we also went over the reasons we do things the way we do them. After all, one of our big seven is transparency and we try to practice what we preach around here. 

Of course, the big deal we talked about last time was data packets and how to fill them out. Speaking of filling them out, remember to fill them out completely otherwise it doesn’t count. But don’t worry, if you have to drop what you are doing and leave or the process is just taking longer than you expected we’ll save your progress for you and make sure the status is displayed by the packet icon so you will know what packets you still need to finish when you do come back. And don’t forget, the more of those things you fill out, the more likely you are to get paid for your data. 

If you start poking around the site a little bit and do a deep dive into the amount of packets available, you will be sure to find something you can participate in. Just in the financial category alone there are eleven data packets waiting for you to fill out. That’s what we call opportunity. What if you would rather start small, something simple to test the waters? Just check out the photos category. All you need to do is upload some images from your phone and you are done. Simple, isn’t it?

Remember, the more of these you fill out, the more visibility you and your data have and the more likely it is that you will sell some data and start earning your way to being a data champion. 

Let’s do a quick recap:

Step 1: Create your account

Step 2: Verify your account

Step 3: Log in

Step 4: Set up 2FA

Step 5: Sync social media and other apps

Step 6: Fill out data packets

Step 7: Sell said data packets

Step 8: Get paid

Step 9: Caribbean vacation

Alright, that last one might be a bit of an exaggeration, but stranger things have happened. And be honest, you’d love to be able to capture that in a packet for the sake of prosperity if nothing else. The point also remains, once you have some data packets, whether the result of integrating your social media like Twitter and Instagram with us or manually selected packets that you’ve filled out based on your interests, you now have the opportunity to get rewarded for sharing your data, rather than getting served up a bunch of ads you never wanted as your return for getting your data constantly monitored and stolen by third parties. Instead of others using your data against you, you will finally be able to use it to help yourself and others.

One other thing to keep in mind is our T-coin system. You get those for filling out data packets, selling your data, referring friends to TARTLE, and sharing with your social media friends when you do sell some data. With those T-coins, you are at the front of the line when it comes to selling your data. You get notified before others when buyers are looking at your data and making an offer on it.

By following these walkthroughs, you should be set up at TARTLE in no time, sharing your data, getting rewarded for and becoming a data champion.

What’s your data worth?

Deep Dive into Data Packets - Walkthrough 5
Deep Dive into Data Packets - Walkthrough 5

Here we are at the end of our little walkthrough the TARTLE set-up process. If you have been following along over at TARTLEcast, Alex and Jason have taken you through the whole system, from going to www.tartle.co for the first time to filling out the data packets so you can get rewarded for sharing your data.

Feature Image Credit: Envato Elements

For those who are hard of hearing – the episode transcript can be read below:


Recording (00:06):

Welcome to TARTLE Cast with your hosts, Alexander McCaig and Jason Rigby, where humanity steps into the future and source data defines the path.

Alexander McCaig (00:29):

Hello, everybody. Welcome back to another half-baked walkthrough, Jason and Alex.

Jason Rigby (00:35):


Alexander McCaig (00:36):

Who let us run this company?

Jason Rigby (00:37):

And everything we're saying, we're just joking around, having fun. It's just comedy, guys.

Alexander McCaig (00:41):


Jason Rigby (00:42):

A yeti will not knock on your door.

Alexander McCaig (00:44):

You're not going to get roughed up by-

Jason Rigby (00:45):

Any aliens aren't going to come down.

Alexander McCaig (00:46):

... some eight-foot, hairy beast. You're going to be fine.

Jason Rigby (00:49):

We're just making stuff funny.

Alexander McCaig (00:50):


Jason Rigby (00:50):

Some people take things way too serious.

Alexander McCaig (00:51):

Do you know why? You go on so many videos on YouTube for people walking you through stuff? Dry. It's a drag. I'm already asleep. I don't even remember the guy said five seconds ago.

Jason Rigby (01:04):

And a lot of people hire actors and actresses to do it, and it's like, "Why? You used to pay a lot of money for nothing."

Alexander McCaig (01:09):

Yeah, for zilch.

Jason Rigby (01:11):


Alexander McCaig (01:11):

And this person is fake enthusiasm. They don't care about what they're-

Jason Rigby (01:14):


Alexander McCaig (01:14):

... talking about.

Jason Rigby (01:14):


Alexander McCaig (01:15):

Do you know who cares? We do.

Jason Rigby (01:17):

We do, yes.

Alexander McCaig (01:17):

Yeah. All right. We-

Jason Rigby (01:18):

Because we, at TARTLE... And this is truthful statement. We, at TARTLE, care more about you than anyone.

Alexander McCaig (01:25):


Jason Rigby (01:26):

Because we're actually going to change your world.

Alexander McCaig (01:28):

We want-

Jason Rigby (01:28):

Who's changing your world? People usually take from you.

Alexander McCaig (01:31):

Yeah, a lot of take can happen.

Jason Rigby (01:32):

We're win-win.

Alexander McCaig (01:33):

We're givers.

Jason Rigby (01:34):

Yes. That's the whole... Seriously. No, seriously-

Alexander McCaig (01:36):

We're not... Yeah, we're givers.

Jason Rigby (01:38):

That's the whole system.

Alexander McCaig (01:40):

Give and give and give. Be like the sun. Give opportunity. If people choose to use the sunlight for the benefit, solar panels-

Jason Rigby (01:47):

Are tree, like you said.

Alexander McCaig (01:48):

Yeah. Be like a tree.

Jason Rigby (01:49):

Provide shade for everyone.

Alexander McCaig (01:49):

Shades for everybody.

Jason Rigby (01:50):

Regardless of who you are.

Alexander McCaig (01:51):

Yeah. I don't care if you're bad or good, here's your shade. All right. Now, we filled out a data packet on our last episode here.

Jason Rigby (02:00):

I want to do more.

Alexander McCaig (02:01):

I say I want to say, "That was awfully easy."

Jason Rigby (02:06):

Mm-hmm (affirmative).

Alexander McCaig (02:07):

Well, that was mighty exciting.

Jason Rigby (02:07):

Mm-hmm (affirmative).

Alexander McCaig (02:08):

Are you telling me that every data packet I fill out increases the probability of me getting paid more money? Receiving a bid from a buyer? Wow. I should probably fill out as many as I can, as truthfully as I can. If it's not relevant to me, don't fill it out.

Jason Rigby (02:26):

Mm-hmm (affirmative), yeah.

Alexander McCaig (02:27):

But most of these are going to be relevant because we're talking about being a human being. All right? So again, things that are priority: sinking your accounts; those are integrations. Just make sure, when you're under your data categories... Oh my gosh, I've never opened these.

Jason Rigby (02:42):

You've done [crosstalk 00:02:43].

Alexander McCaig (02:43):

It'll tell you if you've never worked on something. Look at that, never opened packets.

Jason Rigby (02:48):

So I need to get these done.

Alexander McCaig (02:49):

You got to get these things open.

Jason Rigby (02:51):


Alexander McCaig (02:51):

You got to open these. You go wide open. All right? So fill those integrations out; that's easy for you. This is labor free, right? This is the auto stuff. Now, maybe I want to talk about financial stuff. This is great. Oh my goodness.

Jason Rigby (03:07):

Look at all these packets.

Alexander McCaig (03:08):

Opportunity, opportunity. It looks to me and hear that there are 11 different types of opportunity that can be filled out regarding-

Jason Rigby (03:15):

Just under one category.

Alexander McCaig (03:16):

Financial information, financial [category 00:03:18].

Jason Rigby (03:17):

And these get updated all the time.

Alexander McCaig (03:19):

Wow. Do you own gold? Do you prefer gold over cash? How much gold do you own? Do you want to own gold? Wow, this is terribly easy. And again, I want you to go through all of these, fill out the ones that work for you. You have to be truthful, and I'll reinforce this again. Because if you're not and somebody buys your data and they paid you for it and you sold them a lie, they will not buy from you again. They have the opportunity to block you. All right? We want to incentivize truthful sharing of information, honesty.

Jason Rigby (03:48):

Also, without going into your free will. So you can put A, B, C, D, E, F, G.

Alexander McCaig (03:50):

Go ahead.

Jason Rigby (03:51):

But the cause-

Alexander McCaig (03:52):

Lie all you want.

Jason Rigby (03:52):

The cause and effect will happen.

Alexander McCaig (03:54):

The cause and effect will happen, and you have to maintain balance. And if there's no equilibrium, we have no universe to live in. Okay. So look: financial, government, research, sports; people love sports; hospitality, spiritualism; I liked that one.

Jason Rigby (04:07):

Yeah. You had one with selfies and stuff, too. I saw that.

Alexander McCaig (04:10):

Oh, here's a great one. Look at this.

Jason Rigby (04:13):

[Photo 00:04:13] is easy, yeah.

Alexander McCaig (04:13):

Oh, this is interesting. Oh my gosh. Let's go to photo packet number one. Wow. I can upload whatever the heck I want in photo packet number one? Any three photos? Say, if someone in the business wants to go out and just buy your photos, maybe you're a good photographer. Maybe they need some stock imagery. Oh, look at that. I opened it, but didn't save it.

Jason Rigby (04:34):

Incomplete packet, yeah.

Alexander McCaig (04:35):

It's now incomplete. I have something that's never been opened, something that's been opened and not finished, and then I have completed and saved. I have three different states that the data packet can live in. All right? So if it's in these top two states, get to work.

Jason Rigby (04:48):

Mm-hmm (affirmative).

Alexander McCaig (04:49):

All right?

Jason Rigby (04:49):

Go to the zoo.

Alexander McCaig (04:50):

What does the zoo-

Jason Rigby (04:51):

Take pictures of every animal.

Alexander McCaig (04:53):

Yeah, that's exactly-

Jason Rigby (04:53):

Put them in there.

Alexander McCaig (04:54):

This is exactly the point.

Jason Rigby (04:55):

We want to see the Jaguar-

Alexander McCaig (04:58):

Yeah. Look at this.

Jason Rigby (04:59):

... I'm hanging out.

Alexander McCaig (04:59):

I'm just opening the [inaudible 00:05:01]. I'm not even doing anything. Look at this. I'm just sending them all to make them complete.

Jason Rigby (05:04):

Find your spirit animal.

Alexander McCaig (05:05):

Take a picture of it.

Jason Rigby (05:06):

Take a picture of it.

Alexander McCaig (05:07):

Take a selfie of it.

Jason Rigby (05:07):

Do you know what I did? I did the test for spirit animal.

Alexander McCaig (05:10):

And what did you get?

Jason Rigby (05:11):

A peacock.

Alexander McCaig (05:12):

You got a peacock? Oh, Jason-

Jason Rigby (05:18):

I think the test was bad.

Alexander McCaig (05:19):

What a wonderful plume you had.

Jason Rigby (05:22):


Alexander McCaig (05:22):

I'm going to-

Jason Rigby (05:22):

They're so loud and obnoxious. I'm not that loud and obnoxious.

Alexander McCaig (05:24):

We're going to put a data packet on here. It says, "What is your spirit animal?"

Jason Rigby (05:28):

I love that.

Alexander McCaig (05:29):

I like that.

Jason Rigby (05:29):


Alexander McCaig (05:30):

Anyway, guys, listen, that's simple. Click on the Discover tab up at the top. Look at the categories and start filling these things out. Because every time you do it, truthfully, honesty, it increases your probability of earning far into the future, and then you can share some of those earnings with [crosstalk 00:05:45].

Jason Rigby (05:45):

Be a data champion. Do them all.

Alexander McCaig (05:46):

Yeah. Do them all, and tell your friends and family to do them all. If your household is looking to make more income-

Jason Rigby (05:53):

Mm-hmm (affirmative).

Alexander McCaig (05:53):

... fill out data packets as a household. Don't keep it all for yourself.

Jason Rigby (05:56):

Invest in your future. Invest in your family's future.

Alexander McCaig (05:58):

Invest in your family's future.

Jason Rigby (05:58):

Your friends.

Alexander McCaig (05:59):

Your friends. Oh, invest in the future of the world. Thank you.

Recording (06:10):

Thank you for listening to TARTLE Cast with your hosts, Alexander McCaig and Jason Rigby, where humanity steps into the future and source data defines the path. What's your data worth?