Tartle Best Data Marketplace
Tartle Best Data Marketplace
Tartle Best Data Marketplace
Tartle Best Data Marketplace
July 6, 2021

TARTLE Integrating First - Walkthrough 3

Integrating First - Walkthrough

TARTLE Walkthrough Time! Pt. 3: Synching

In part two of this walkthrough series we went over how to finish getting your TARTLE account activated and why you should set up two factor authentication in order to better protect your account and your data. That being complete, it’s time to move to the next big step. 

Finally! At long last we get to talk about one of the biggest things that you should be doing as a new member of the TARTLE community – synching your social media accounts. This is the simplest and most obvious step (other than signing up with us in the first place) towards becoming a data champion. It’s the easiest way to both protect your data and start collecting it in order to sell it to others. So, get your account up so you can sync as you read. 

Once you have selected your 2FA option, you get sent straight to our brand new, cleaned up dashboard. There, you will find a handy video to help walk you through the process. Of course, we’re going to walk you through it right here. Should you need a refresher course though, it’s right there for you. Just above that video is a little line telling you that synching your Facebook account will get you a dollar right way. See? You have barely done anything yet and you’re already getting rewarded. Synch your Facebook account and every other third party online account that we support. 

You do that by clicking the gear in the upper right. There, you will see links to sync up various accounts. The active options at the moment are social and professional apps. You’ll also see what we have coming in the near future. Soon, you’ll be able to sync health accounts, browsers, wearables, and home devices. For now though, we’ll focus on the social option. 

Under the ‘social’ link you will find links to sync up your Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter accounts. That way, you can gather your data so you get to sell it, not just have those companies keep making money off of you and your interactions. If you click on the Facebook link, you’ll log into your Facebook account and our servers will download all your Facebook data. Do the same for the others if you have accounts there. And don’t worry, we’re working even now to add more apps to sync. We’ll send you an email whenever we get one set up so you will always be up to date with the latest additions so you can get the most bang for your buck. Now that your accounts are all synched, your data packets are already getting created. How easy was that?

What you will want to do next is set up notifications in the settings. We’ll send them to your phone as well as on the site in the marketplace. But you have to opt in. Again, this is TARTLE. We won’t bother you with anything unless you explicitly tell us it is okay to do so. You’ll see settings for a bunch of other things as well, like updating your number and your email. 

And here is another fun thing. If you refer people to sign up with us at www.tartle.co, we’ll reward you with some T-coin. Or if you do things online that help promote what we are doing, we’ll reward you for that too. That also helps grow the movement. The more people who choose to join TARTLE and take control of their digital lives, the more companies and governments will have to sit up and take notice. That means we’ll have a better chance of affecting policy in a positive way. Just something to keep in mind. 

After all, what’s your data worth? Sign up and join the TARTLE Marketplace with this link here.

TARTLE Integrating First - Walkthrough 3
TARTLE Integrating First - Walkthrough 3

At long last we get to talk about one of the biggest things that you should be doing as a new member of the TARTLE community – synching your social media accounts. This is the simplest and most obvious step (other than signing up with us in the first place) towards becoming a data champion. It’s the easiest way to both protect your data and start collecting it in order to sell it to others. So, get your account up so you can sync as you read. 

Feature Image Credit: Envato Elements

For those who are hard of hearing – the episode transcript can be read below:


Speaker 1 (00:06):

Welcome to TARTLE Cast with your host Alexander McCaig and Jason Rigby, where humanity steps into the future and source data defines the path.

Jason Rigby (00:31):


Alexander McCaig (00:32):

So typical. I would like to say typical. I'd like to say it was atypical, but it's not.

Jason Rigby (00:37):


Alexander McCaig (00:37):

Okay. Now we've gone through steps one and two. Step one, signing up. Step two, activating email and logging in. Now this is where-

Jason Rigby (00:47):

It truly begins. Yeah, [inaudible 00:00:49].

Alexander McCaig (00:51):

Hey, I don't think these [inaudible 00:00:52] are working very well. Okay. So you're going to land on the brand new fancy dashboard. Wow.

Jason Rigby (01:03):

The huge video.

Alexander McCaig (01:04):

It's been cleaned up. We made it straight forward. Now, if you're watching this video outside of the one that's on the dashboard, good for you. But we do have a video on here that will walk you through what you need to do immediately.

Jason Rigby (01:19):

Step by step.

Alexander McCaig (01:20):

Step by step. Now, here's the very first thing you're going to want to do. Do you see where it says, did you know that syncing your Facebook account could be worth a buck? All right. Sync it immediately.

Jason Rigby (01:36):

Oh, the dollar. So that's worth US dollar.

Alexander McCaig (01:38):

Yeah, US dollar.

Jason Rigby (01:41):


Alexander McCaig (01:41):

You're going to click on that. What you want to do is you want to sync all these other third-party systems that you're using. So you can click on this call to action button, or because we want to give you multiple options, you-

Jason Rigby (01:54):

Go watch the video-

Alexander McCaig (01:55):


Jason Rigby (01:55):

... or-

Alexander McCaig (01:56):

Go to this little gear cog up here on the top right. You can click on this things to sync accounts. This is great. Look at this. Oh, my goodness. What is this? Social, professional, health browsers, wearables, and home devices. Let's click on social. Great. I want to capture all the work I've put into Facebook so that I can sell it, not just have Facebook sell it. I'm going to click on here. It's going to bring me to the process. I'm going to log in and automatically, you'll download my Facebook data and now it's ready for sale. I can do the same for Instagram. I can do the same for Twitter.

Jason Rigby (02:31):

And this constantly gets updated. So eventually, there will be WhatsApp and there'll be TikTok, and there'll be them all eventually.

Alexander McCaig (02:38):

Health systems library, Amazon Alexa, we'll have everything on here.

Jason Rigby (02:42):

We'll email you, that's why it's important to check your emails. Because once again, the TARTLE email would be the most important email that you'll get.

Alexander McCaig (02:50):

Who cares what your bank is telling you.

Jason Rigby (02:52):

Yeah. No, it's not that important.

Alexander McCaig (02:56):

Don't listen to your government. Listen to us.

Jason Rigby (02:58):

I want you, if you do decide to go to school and if you do decide to have a job, you need to tell your boss, I just got a TARTLE email, not a turtle, but I got a TARTLE email-

Alexander McCaig (03:08):

I can't come into work today.

Jason Rigby (03:09):

Yeah, and I need to do this right now. I got to sync these accounts.

Alexander McCaig (03:13):

It is more important that I sync my accounts and generate all this data.

Jason Rigby (03:17):

Right. And if he says, if he's a bad boss and he says, "I've never heard of TARTLE and you need to come to work," you bring out the big seven. So you want me to go against climate stability, educational access, and government and corporate transparency-

Alexander McCaig (03:36):

Public health.

Jason Rigby (03:37):

... public health, really? That's what I'm doing right now.

Alexander McCaig (03:40):

You don't want me to help global peace? You tell your boss to sit back down in the executive chair, his dead cow, leather, executive chair, and you let them know this is important.

Jason Rigby (03:51):

No. In fact, I say, you go to work. You go into his office. You get him to get on the computer.

Alexander McCaig (03:57):

You have him sign up.

Jason Rigby (03:59):

You go to tartle.com and you make him sign up.

Alexander McCaig (04:01):

Boss or boss man, [inaudible 00:04:03], I need you to go here. There's a couple of videos, I'd walk you through this.

Jason Rigby (04:07):

If we get a video of somebody going to their boss and getting them to sign up.

Alexander McCaig (04:11):


Jason Rigby (04:11):

Please send it to us. You can send it to... What's the email for the video?

Alexander McCaig (04:17):


Jason Rigby (04:18):

Yeah, [contact.tartle.co 00:04:19].

Alexander McCaig (04:19):

It's almost like we're reaching out to anyone.

Jason Rigby (04:21):

We will make sure that there's a reward for that.

Alexander McCaig (04:24):


Jason Rigby (04:24):

Because I want to see those videos.

Alexander McCaig (04:26):

We will reward that individual T coin. If you can get your boss to sign up, we will reward you in T coins.

Jason Rigby (04:30):

Any funny videos that has to do. We had somebody in Pakistan make a video of TARTLE.

Alexander McCaig (04:37):

Yeah. How do you use TARTLE?

Jason Rigby (04:38):

[crosstalk 00:04:38] we're doing.

Alexander McCaig (04:38):


Jason Rigby (04:38):

We love that. You send out. Do make as many videos as you want.

Alexander McCaig (04:41):

Anybody who's a user that does stuff like that publicly, we'll send you some T coin.

Jason Rigby (04:45):

If you want to criticize TARTLE-

Alexander McCaig (04:47):

We will send you T coin for the criticism.

Jason Rigby (04:49):

Yes. We love it.

Alexander McCaig (04:53):

Okay. Now-

Jason Rigby (04:55):

Not that you're going against... You're standing on the train tracks going against a train. If you're-

Alexander McCaig (05:01):

The world's heaviest [crosstalk 00:05:02] train, world's heaviest that's carrying humanitarian goods.

Jason Rigby (05:05):

Yeah. That's what's happening if you're going against TARTLE.

Alexander McCaig (05:09):

Okay, great. Now ladies and gentlemen, you have synced your accounts. Let's do something else here. Let's go into our account settings. You got all that stuff set up. These will be your first data packets. When you sync your accounts, that's creating those data packets. It's going to create that thing that you can actually sell. Now under account settings, notifications. Ooh, look at it. I don't have them on. I got to turn those on. Turn those suckers on. If you skipped the 2FA thing, you're not going to get any text notifications. You got to turn that stuff on. Isn't that what you want?

Jason Rigby (05:41):

It's so easy, I would rather have a text notification.

Alexander McCaig (05:42):

Yeah. If somebody sent me a text, update your email, update your mobile number, update your password. Oh, 2FA.

Jason Rigby (05:49):

There it is.

Alexander McCaig (05:49):

I'm going to hit it again, hashtag 2FA, and an accessibility statement. We've made this for everybody. We tried to put the proper contrast in, so if you're almost legally blind, you can still read it.

Jason Rigby (06:02):

That's me.

Alexander McCaig (06:03):

Here's a great one.

Jason Rigby (06:04):

These glasses are so thick, bro.

Alexander McCaig (06:06):

Oh, look at you.

Jason Rigby (06:07):

I know. You see me, I take them on, I take them off. I'm trying to [crosstalk 00:06:10].

Alexander McCaig (06:09):

Yeah. Borderline Urkel with those things.

Jason Rigby (06:11):

Yes. I love that show.

Alexander McCaig (06:13):

Guys, here's a great one, guys and girls or aliens who's ever setting up on here. Inviting friends, family, acquaintances, when you do that, you can earn T coin. Also, the more people that sign up, the more our data is worth collectively. The more power we as individuals have to stand up against those who do not respect our data. Invite your friends.

Jason Rigby (06:40):

Be a data champion.

Alexander McCaig (06:41):

Be a data champion. Invite the world. If you're doing good, if you're helping people and helping yourself, you should share that story. Should you not?

Jason Rigby (06:49):

Yeah. We have a video on YouTube called what is a data champion.

Alexander McCaig (06:52):


Jason Rigby (06:52):

So watch that.

Alexander McCaig (06:53):


Jason Rigby (06:54):

Or you can go to Spotify and listen to it.

Alexander McCaig (06:56):

Yeah. By the way, when you get notifications, it's this little bell up here. See that, top right?

Jason Rigby (07:01):

You're going to get them on your phone.

Alexander McCaig (07:02):

Yeah, and they'll be on your phone. So not only would he send you here in the marketplace, but it's also up at the top. Now let's go back to the home. You can just always click on the logo. Let's scroll down a little bit. Whoa, what are these? Jason, what are these? Please tell me what I am looking at here underneath this video.

Jason Rigby (07:18):

And that will be continued to go to the next episode.

Alexander McCaig (07:20):

That's exactly right. Alex, I don't know what I'm looking at.

Jason Rigby (07:24):

Packets. You want to talk about packets.

Alexander McCaig (07:26):

We'll talk about the data packets next episode. But now that you're in, you sync your accounts, you turn on your notifications, all your settings are in place, come back for the next episode and we will talk about how to fill out data packets.

Speaker 1 (07:44):

Thank you for listening to TARTLE Cast with your hosts, Alexander McCaig and Jason Rigby, where humanity steps into the future and the source data defines the path. What's your data worth.