Tartle Best Data Marketplace
Tartle Best Data Marketplace
Tartle Best Data Marketplace
Tartle Best Data Marketplace
June 28, 2021

How Easy Sign Up TARTLE - Walkthrough 1

How Easy Sign Up TARTLE - Walkthrough

TARTLE Walkthrough Time Pt. 1

We talk a lot about just how easy it is to sign up for an account on TARTLE. But why should you take our word for it? It’s past time that we just go ahead and show you how easy it is. If you want the visual, head on over to TARTLEcast where Alex and Jason walk you through the whole process on the site. If you don’t have time for that, we’ll provide you with a brief overview right here. Let’s jump right in.

First off, we have you put your name in to sign up. Why? Since we are always so careful about your information and your identity, why do you even need to give your name? Because there are other variables at play. Namely, we have to run your name against lists of known terrorists and criminals like money launderers. If we let those guys into our data marketplace, it not only helps bad people do bad things, it invites some unwanted attention. What kind of unwanted attention? The CIA breathing down our necks and demanding access to our servers. We’d tell them no, but we really don’t want that headache. So this little measure keeps people out of our hair and yours as well. Besides, we encrypt it all and don’t share it with anyone. So you are doubly protected. 

Next is your birthday, which is used for the same reason, not to mention making sure that you are of an appropriate age to be making online accounts on your own. Again, laws. 

Next, put in your email. That way we know who to notify of any changes to TARTLE and most importantly when people are looking for data you might be willing to share. 

Then, naturally you put in a password. For crying out loud, don’t share that with anyone. And use a new one, not the same one you use for your Gmail and Netflix account. If we and you are going to all this trouble to ensure your data is protected, it would be a shame if someone got a hold of your information because they saw your password. 

Of course we have a privacy policy and terms of service you need to accept. Don’t worry, you won’t need a team of lawyers to understand it. The terms are incredibly simple and clearly state what we are doing to protect you and TARTLE and how. 

Create that account and navigate our anti-bot feature. We don’t want automated bots any more than we want terrorists in our system. Put the puzzle piece where it is supposed to go and then – bang! – your account is created! Well, we aren’t quite done yet. Get over to the email account you gave us.

There, you will find an email from us asking you to verify your account. Yes, it is there. If you don’t see it right away, check your spam folder. We know our servers work and send out emails when we want them to. So please don’t contact us saying you didn’t get the email. Or that you can’t log into the site. If you created your account but can’t log in, it’s because you still need to verify your account by clicking on the link in the verification email. 

With that done, you have completed your first step to working with TARTLE in order to take control of your data. Next, you are ready to get started setting up your profile and synching your accounts. We will get into that and more as we continue this tutorial series on signing up with TARTLE. When we are done, you will know everything you need to know to regain your data privacy and actually get rewarded for sharing your data. 

What’s your data worth?

How Easy Sign Up TARTLE - Walkthrough 1
How Easy Sign Up TARTLE - Walkthrough 1

If you want the visual, head on over to TARTLEcast where Alex and Jason walk you through the whole process on the site. If you don’t have time for that, we’ll provide you with a brief overview right here. Let’s jump right in.

Feature Image Credit: Envato Elements

For those who are hard of hearing – the episode transcript can be read below:


Automated voice (00:07):

Welcome to TARTLEcast with your hosts Alexander McCaig and Jason Rigby, where humanity steps into the future and source data defines the path.

Alexander McCaig (00:30):

Okay. We are back this morning. We would like to do a walkthrough here in the studio to show how easy it is to sign up with TARTLE. Sign up with TARTLE.

Jason Rigby (00:45):

And it's TARTlE, not turtle.

Alexander McCaig (00:47):

You're not signing-

Jason Rigby (00:50):

We got to get the first part done.

Alexander McCaig (00:51):

Not turtle.

Jason Rigby (00:53):

Everybody says turtle. It's not a sea turtle.

Alexander McCaig (00:56):

No, it's not. TAR-

Jason Rigby (00:58):

A sea turtle will not pay you for sharing your data with it.

Alexander McCaig (01:02):

A sea turtle does not care about protecting your data.

Jason Rigby (01:06):

A sea turtle does two things. It swims-

Alexander McCaig (01:09):

And eats jellyfish.

Jason Rigby (01:10):

With their little beaks.

Alexander McCaig (01:12):


Jason Rigby (01:13):

No, and it lays eggs. I've seen those in Mexico.

Alexander McCaig (01:16):

Do you know they throw the sand back?

Jason Rigby (01:16):

Yeah, they throw the sand back. That's about all it does.

Alexander McCaig (01:18):

That's them covering up your data.

Jason Rigby (01:21):

If you share your data with a sea turtle, it's not going to care.

Alexander McCaig (01:24):

No, it doesn't care at all.

Jason Rigby (01:25):

But TARTLE, we care.

Alexander McCaig (01:30):

We definitely care. You're setting up with TARTLE, not at TARTLE, with.

Jason Rigby (01:31):


Alexander McCaig (01:32):

With. It's a co-operative thing. All right. So let's get an account set up. Step one, click on the "Begin" button. And if you don't even want to do that, you're like, "I'm still a little nervous." Go ahead. Read the terms of service. Read the privacy policy.

Jason Rigby (01:44):

Very clear.

Alexander McCaig (01:45):

Very clear. We made them abundantly clear. Okay. So let's begin. Click on that. All right. "What is your first name?" Interesting. Now you might be wondering at this moment, "Why does TARTLE need my first name?" Okay. So if you go over this tool tip, this little "i", next to the first name thing, we explain this. "How will this data be used?" TARTLE uses first name to verify the identity of new users against an anti-terror and anti-money laundering list as required by law. We are trying to make sure we don't have bad people on the system.

Jason Rigby (02:19):


Alexander McCaig (02:19):


Jason Rigby (02:20):

That simple.

Alexander McCaig (02:20):

Yeah. And also to be clear, we encrypt all this information. It's all under your control. We do not sell it. It's here just so we can do a preliminary screening.

Jason Rigby (02:34):

Plus we don't want-

Alexander McCaig (02:34):

No baddies.

Jason Rigby (02:35):

We don't want the CIA or anybody like that involved because if a terrorist comes on here and they start sharing their data with us, from their servers, then now the government's here-

Alexander McCaig (02:43):

The government's here, and it's a mess.

Jason Rigby (02:44):

They'd be like, "Hey, we want this data."

Alexander McCaig (02:46):

All right. So we're going to do first name-

Jason Rigby (02:48):

Then you're going to have to tell the CIA, "No."

Alexander McCaig (02:50):

Yeah. Sorry. No.

Jason Rigby (02:52):

No, you can't.

Alexander McCaig (02:53):

All right. So Joe, last name? No, again, same rules happen here and if you have another question go over the tool tips. We made sure every step is abundantly clear. Yes. No. All right. "What is your birthday?" Again, this has to deal with the screening.

Jason Rigby (03:07):


Alexander McCaig (03:07):

Okay. These lists are public. You can even check them, but we automatically screen against it.

Jason Rigby (03:11):

I love on the phone, it doesn't have the little... Because I'm super old, you know that, I'm way older than you are... And that little thing, the little tumbler, you know the-

Alexander McCaig (03:22):

That was an Apple thing.

Jason Rigby (03:24):

It makes me feel so old because I got to do like a casino. I got to... And then I wait a while, and I'm like, "Oh, 1981."

Alexander McCaig (03:32):

It's like waiting for a roulette wheel to stop.

Jason Rigby (03:33):

I've still got the get to the 70s.

Alexander McCaig (03:35):

Waiting for a roulette wheel to stop.

Jason Rigby (03:36):

So this is much easier.

Alexander McCaig (03:37):

Yeah. All right. And so look, you got to put in your birthday. Real easy. You can type it in or click on a date. Look at the way that highlights. If that's not the correct date, click the X right here, it'll clear it out. Okay. Let's continue. We're doing great here everybody. Excellent. "What is your email?" Okay, so we're going to put in a test email here. All right. Email address, contact+1@tartle.co. Just so everyone knows, it's not a legitimate email address. "What is your email?" Again, we tell you why we need this for account referencing, for communication. All right. That's why the stuff is here. "How do we keep it safe? What does that data worth?"

Jason Rigby (04:20):

And nothing's public.

Alexander McCaig (04:21):

Nothing's public. Why would we do that? All right. Continue. Great, let's create a password. All right. Here. I'll even show you what my password is going to be.

Jason Rigby (04:30):

No, don't show them. This is going to the whole globe, bro.

Alexander McCaig (04:33):

A test. And I'm not going to tell you what else I'm writing. Okay. Here, I'm going to delete that. All right-

Jason Rigby (04:41):

You're Gmail has been compromised.

Alexander McCaig (04:44):

I'm using my password I use for everything.

Jason Rigby (04:46):

I had Apple yesterday-

Alexander McCaig (04:48):


Jason Rigby (04:49):

So somebody said, "You're logging in with an iMac somewhere"... I forgot where it was at... And I was like, "No, I'm not."

Alexander McCaig (04:56):

We have a gaming computer running on the side.

Jason Rigby (04:58):

So I'm like, "Well obviously I need to change my Apple password." But it's crazy how-

Alexander McCaig (05:04):

You're under attack.

Jason Rigby (05:05):

Yes, well I always am.

Alexander McCaig (05:07):


Jason Rigby (05:07):

That's why I stay prepared.

Alexander McCaig (05:08):

Good for you.

Jason Rigby (05:09):

See the shirt?

Alexander McCaig (05:09):

Lucky charms. You have to have your lucky charms.

Jason Rigby (05:12):

They're magically delicious.

Alexander McCaig (05:13):

Okay. So listen, I put the password in. Great. You can click here to view it. I'm not going to show you guys because I know you'll mess around with it. I have read and accept the privacy policy and terms of service. Again, both are here, it will not pull you out of the work flow, it will open up a new tab-

Jason Rigby (05:28):

There's no secretive-

Alexander McCaig (05:30):


Jason Rigby (05:30):

Like some big tech company, there's no secretive stuff. We urge you to read our privacy policy. We want you to.

Alexander McCaig (05:36):

We literally have it say, "This protects you. This protects TARTLE. This is why we're doing it."

Jason Rigby (05:43):

This is not a bunch of attorneys that get together and say, "How can I pillage data off of these people?"

Alexander McCaig (05:49):

That's not what we're doing.

Jason Rigby (05:50):

We're a free marketplace.

Alexander McCaig (05:51):

You will be surprised at how abundantly clear we made our privacy policy and terms of service.

Jason Rigby (05:55):

Yeah, it's awesome.

Alexander McCaig (05:55):

All right. Good, hit the check mark. Great. Then you're going to click, "Create my account." Oh, wait a minute. We don't want robots coming in either. We don't want terrorists.

Jason Rigby (06:06):


Alexander McCaig (06:07):

We don't want criminals and we don't want robots.

Jason Rigby (06:09):

We don't want money laundering robots.

Alexander McCaig (06:11):

No, we don't.

Jason Rigby (06:11):

They'll be the worst. Have you ever seen them?

Alexander McCaig (06:12):

Because those people de-value the system.

Jason Rigby (06:15):


Alexander McCaig (06:15):

We can't have them on there. We need legitimate human beings. Here we go.

Jason Rigby (06:18):

Have you seen the dogs dance the other day? What's that robot-

Alexander McCaig (06:21):

Boston robots.

Jason Rigby (06:22):

They had them all dancing, it was so cool.

Alexander McCaig (06:23):

So, what am I doing here folks? You're going to grab this little thing. Oh, I failed. I didn't put it where it needs to belong. You need to drag the puzzle piece like this, like you're building a puzzle. This is the best part about-

Jason Rigby (06:33):

I love puzzles.

Alexander McCaig (06:34):

Do you know what the best part about a puzzle is? The very last piece. Right here, watch this.

Jason Rigby (06:37):

You're going to complete it.

Alexander McCaig (06:38):

Oh, this is great. I think I got it dead nuts on.

Jason Rigby (06:41):


Alexander McCaig (06:42):

Nailed it. Green check mark. Fantastic. Ladies and gentlemen, we have set up an account on TARTLE.

Jason Rigby (06:49):

I like the hazel burnt orange color.

Alexander McCaig (06:52):

Isn't it nice?

Jason Rigby (06:52):

I know. It reminds me of my aunt, Hazel. From the south. Yeah, dude, it was so funny. She always would smoke a... You know, I'm from the south, like Florida. My dad's from Georgia, South Georgia, my mom's from-

Alexander McCaig (07:02):

Be careful where you go with this story.

Jason Rigby (07:03):

No, but she always had a cigarette and curlers in her hair, like the old ladies and they would put the scarf over there-

Alexander McCaig (07:08):

I love that.

Jason Rigby (07:08):

And I was always like, "Aunt Hazel, where are you going with this?" Like, "Why are you doing your hair, you never leave your house?"

Alexander McCaig (07:15):

Doesn't matter.

Jason Rigby (07:15):

And she's like, "Son"... Because they always said, son... And she would always give these little metaphors of life. She would pick something out of the blue, like there'd be a pecan tree... Because a lot of pecans are there, depends how you say it... And she'd be smoking a cigarette, she'd be like, "Life is like that pecan tree, son." And I'd be like, "What does it mean?", "Well, it's got a hard shell and there's a nut inside." And I'm like, "This doesn't make sense, Aunt, what you're saying." So, the orange color is so beautiful.

Alexander McCaig (07:41):

Did she drive a big teal Cadillac with the big wings that came off the back?

Jason Rigby (07:43):

No, she had a really, really old station wagon that had the wood paneling. You know like the Dodges, K-cars or something like that, remember those?

Alexander McCaig (07:51):

Oh wow. A Woody, they call them.

Jason Rigby (07:52):

But she never went anywhere.

Alexander McCaig (07:55):

Doesn't matter. She's got to keep it nice in the driveway and move the tires every once in a while so you don't get a flat spot.

Jason Rigby (07:58):

And she would watch those televangelists?

Alexander McCaig (08:01):

That's wonderful.

Jason Rigby (08:02):

So she got-

Alexander McCaig (08:05):

That's great.

Jason Rigby (08:05):

Religion in her life.

Alexander McCaig (08:06):

Well, listen, just to bring us back to reality for a second. After we've done that, TARTLE will be sending you an email. Ladies and gentlemen-

Jason Rigby (08:13):

This is important.

Alexander McCaig (08:14):

Ladies and gentlemen, there is a big button on that email that says, "Activate your account." Please do not reply back to the email saying, "Please confirm my account. Please activate my account."

Jason Rigby (08:25):

There's one thing we need you to do.

Alexander McCaig (08:26):

This one's my favorite, "Thank you." "What are you talking about?" Don't thank us, I need you to activate your account. All right. You will not be able to log in to TARTLE without activating your account.

Jason Rigby (08:38):

It's very important.

Alexander McCaig (08:39):

All right. And after you've done that, you can start earning. By the way, if you did not receive the email, we know for a fact that our servers work, we know they send out, check your spam. And if it's still not there, you see this down here that says, "Resend email"? Click on it.

Jason Rigby (08:52):

And resend it.

Alexander McCaig (08:53):

You resend it until you learn how activate your account. You will not be able to log in. Do not email us saying I can't log in, if you have not activated your email first.

Jason Rigby (09:02):

That's the most important step.

Alexander McCaig (09:04):

Okay? Without that, you can't really confirm what's going on. You will not be allowed in the system unless we absolutely confirm it's a legitimate email address that went with this.

Jason Rigby (09:13):

We have to.

Alexander McCaig (09:15):

We do.

Jason Rigby (09:15):

It's for the safety of mankind.

Alexander McCaig (09:18):

For the safety of mankind. And with that being said, you will be on your way to earning. Thank you for watching this. This is tutorial number one, with Jason and Alex on how to sign up for TARTLE.

Automated voice (09:37):

Thank you for listening to TARTLEcast with your hosts, Alexander McCaig and Jason Rigby, where humanity steps into the future, and source data defines the path. What's your data worth?