Tartle Best Data Marketplace
Tartle Best Data Marketplace
Tartle Best Data Marketplace
Tartle Best Data Marketplace

Does our economic system still place humans at the forefront of evolution? 

The debt crisis left a considerable impact on our economic system. As a result, the Federal Reserve System issued a contract to a German manufacturing business to purchase printing machines. These machines would be used to make additional money and pay off existing debt. However, this had an impact on the value of our national currency.

This is where the dilemma of inflation arises; as the value of money continues to lessen throughout the years, how long will this measure of generating more money persist in this ill-conceived system? Where does this leave us? 

In this episode, Alexander McCaig and Jason Rigby discuss how finance can be more accessible and whether it is possible to bring back "freedom" in a free market. 

Trapped in the Rat Race for the Money?

Having an abundance of money does not increase the amount of resources available. Essentially, it reduces the value of labor hours. With more money chasing the same amount of assets, prices would just steadily rise. While the wealthy profit, the rest struggle to handle a steadily accumulating pile of debt.

This volatile cycle slowly cripples the entire network. Individuals are under constant stress as a result of continuous debt. College loans, mortgages, car loans, and other forms of "creative destruction" have turned us into slaves struggling to pay off our opportunities. This is a brittle system that is bound to collapse.

We need a system that is capable of giving us financial security. Now more than ever, we shouldn't have to sacrifice so much just to access opportunities for a better life. 

The TARTLE marketplace gives us the opportunity to establish a healthy relationship with our finances. In the marketplace, you get paid for the amount of work you put into sharing your data. We are constantly at work on the platform to ensure that everybody gets a fair playing field.

What TARTLE Can Offer: A New Economic System

We don't need to live in a world where we are a slave to our assets. TARTLE is a platform where people increase their financial opportunities in exchange for information. In this tech-driven world, everybody has something to share. We are filled with important data that can contribute to the causes we care about. 

The problem is that prior to TARTLE, we've inadvertently been giving the wealthy an opportunity to become even wealthier. This happens when we subscribe to social media platforms that gather our personal information and sell it to other companies. It poses a twofold harm: we do not have control of our data, and we do not earn from what is rightfully ours. 

We are working towards a free market that is open to everyone and stimulates the economy. We give everyone the freedom of choice to use their potential as they see fit. The marketplace credits you fairly for the amount of work you put in, regardless of where you are or what your social status is.

TARTLE decreases the cynicism stemming from the existing economic policies. These are policies that aren’t designed to help us evolve, but only be constantly disintegrating with constant stress--bound to break.

We are capable of eradicating the steady rise of interest rates and national debt. Are you ready to take the leap?

What’s your data worth?