Tartle Best Data Marketplace
Tartle Best Data Marketplace
Tartle Best Data Marketplace
Tartle Best Data Marketplace
April 14, 2022

Money, Society, and Choice: What’s Trust Got to Do With It?

Money, Society, and Choice: What’s Trust Got to Do With It?

Do you think you have a healthy relationship with money? 

It’s true that money can’t buy happiness. However, it does give us the security and stability we need as humans to better pursue it. So let’s take a look at the process of distributing money, our relationship with the government, and how we can improve it.

Money as a Social Construct

Why is money valuable? It’s only because we decide it is. In the past, we’ve turned to other stores of value to determine what we should use as a currency. We’ve used glass beads, salt, and even speckled granite.

So, who has the power to control our money—and by extension, an important aspect of our society? By virtue of our inaction, that responsibility falls in the hands of central bankers. The problem is that this has become the reflection of a society’s worth. Regardless of where you are from, someone else is in charge of controlling the flow of money. 

But with TARTLE, we have the power to invert that model. You decide how much your information is worth, and no-one else.

How Does Liquidity Affect Us?

It’s like a dam: when somebody controls the flow of a certain asset, then it affects its liquidity and volatility. Someone is manufacturing demand and supply for it. This makes people feel like they constantly have to be on guard, in case there are market changes that affect their standing.

With TARTLE, the liquidity of data is instantaneous. 

With TARTLE, you don’t have to worry about running out of information. Regardless of whether you are a buyer or a seller, information is being created every single day. It’s not valuable because you have to bulk up ahead of a shortage in supply. It’s valuable because inherently, information is power. There is no reason to act in fear or to try to pre-empt anything, because everybody has all the information and opportunity they need to participate. And there is no limitation to the amount of information you can have—especially on TARTLE.

What Does Trust Have to Do With It?

The younger generation does not trust the government. Alexander McCaig clarifies that he isn’t trying to create a problem with this statement. There’s no need to open a new government or anything drastic. The reality is just that people want choice—and when their work has been devalued, they will merely find the path of least resistance. Better options to fund a good quality of life.

When the government is asking its citizens to place its trust in the dollar, it’s asking them to have faith in the market even if you do not have all of the facts. To let them control it for you. 

But trust implies that both sides are open with their decision making, and transparent about everything. 

Closing Thoughts

Everybody deserves a platform where their personal autonomy, capacity for choice, and need for consent is respected. A marketplace built on transparent reciprocity, where everyone is rewarded for their hard work.

What’s your data worth?

Sign up for TARTLE through this link here.

Follow Alexander McCaig on Twitter and Linkedin.

Money, Society, and Choice: What’s Trust Got to Do With It?
Money, Society, and Choice: What’s Trust Got to Do With It?

It’s true that money can’t buy happiness. However, it does give us the security and stability we need as humans to better pursue it. So let’s take a look at the process of distributing money, our relationship with the government, and how we can improve it.

Feature Image Credit: Envato Elements

For those who are hard of hearing – the episode transcript can be read below:


Alexander McCaig (00:00):

Ding, ding, ding. That's the knockout bell, TARTLE just won. Bang. All right, good.

Jason Rigby (00:11):

Yeah. We're like the Mike Tyson of money.

Alexander McCaig (00:13):

We didn't have to bite anyone's ear off.

Jason Rigby (00:15):

No, we won't bite your ear off.

Alexander McCaig (00:17):


Jason Rigby (00:17):

We won't go against your free will, ever.

Alexander McCaig (00:19):


Jason Rigby (00:21):

The battle of money, part two.

Alexander McCaig (00:22):

Yeah. So what's part two here? Warm me up for-

Jason Rigby (00:24):

So let's recap real quick in case somebody's just hopping into this. Most important that we learned on part one is information is what drives markets.

Alexander McCaig (00:32):


Jason Rigby (00:33):

Liquidity we have to understand works 24/7. The markets close-

Alexander McCaig (00:39):


Jason Rigby (00:39):

Which I never understood that, why the New York Stock Exchange would close. Why wouldn't it be going 24/7? I don't-

Alexander McCaig (00:44):

Because you need an advantage to collect information before the trading opens up again. Otherwise you're going to fall behind. You need to give yourself-

Jason Rigby (00:52):

Yeah. You can't be 24/7.

Alexander McCaig (00:53):

You got to give yourself a buffer to collect.

Jason Rigby (00:56):

The greatest hedge fund manager can't stay up 24/7. You have to sleep.

Alexander McCaig (00:58):

He can not. Nope.

Jason Rigby (00:59):

So with liquidity we have to understand, maybe we can get the definition of liquidity so people understand it, but it's a diamond. It has many facets. When you look at charts on liquidity you can't sit there and say, oh okay, this is the reason that the interest rate's going up with this, this is compared to the U.S dollar. This is the reason this asset is worth this value and then real estate's doing this. There's many facets as a diamond so why don't you get into that before we get into the-

Alexander McCaig (01:27):

So liquidity describes a degree to which an asset or security can be quickly bought or sold in the market without affecting the assets price. Okay. TARTLE information. The liquidity of data is instantaneous. Just like that bang, done. Oh my gosh I just bought information that quick. You bet you did. You bought it at market price, done. Bang. Done. That's it.

Jason Rigby (01:52):

Well, that's what a perfect free market does. But when you're looking at the diamond facet of liquidity, when we see whether it's the federal reserve getting involved or it's the printing of money then you got the look at concentration.

Alexander McCaig (02:07):

Well, then I'll explain this then. Let's give a metaphor because this helped. Liquidity, what's the first thing you think of? Water. What happens when you begin to dam things up? It pools. And then somebody controls the flow rate of that asset that comes out of it, which is the water itself.

Jason Rigby (02:22):


Alexander McCaig (02:22):

So if you put these regulations in place or somebody that alters the supply of how much of that water can come out, it changes the liquidity. It changes the volatility. It essentially statistically normalizes it. So the liquidity is actually false. You think it's a very liquid market but it's not. It's only injected at a point to help stabilize the liquidity when it's become so inorganic.

Jason Rigby (02:43):

Well you can see that, I mean let's look at the market of supply chains right now, because there's liquidity in the supply chain.

Alexander McCaig (02:50):

I got to tell you, when I went into Target the other day, everything is sold out.

Jason Rigby (02:59):


Alexander McCaig (03:00):

And they are not going to be able to keep up and here's what's going to happen. People are going to buy everything and stores will be empty for a long time because the supply chains are completely sapped and they're already so far behind.

Jason Rigby (03:10):

Well they were showing pictures just in LA of how many are just waiting, crates and stuff that are just waiting there. It's so backed up. Barges are just waiting and how much is that every minute, that cost?

Alexander McCaig (03:21):

It's called a cost of carry.

Jason Rigby (03:22):

But we can look at it just in the United States alone. Here we are paying truck drivers to sit at home. Here we are giving millions and millions of dollars to companies during COVID.

Alexander McCaig (03:33):


Jason Rigby (03:34):

And then everything kind of had a pause button on it.

Alexander McCaig (03:36):


Jason Rigby (03:36):

You know with [crosstalk 00:03:38] the lockdown. You stop that 24/7.

Alexander McCaig (03:40):

Do people still need to drink water? Yeah. So what happens if you shut it off for a day. Whoa, I'm still thirsty.

Jason Rigby (03:46):


Alexander McCaig (03:46):

It's going to take a long time for that to normalize where I can get my water intake back up.

Jason Rigby (03:51):

Well what happens whenever you tell somebody ahead of time that you're going to shut the water off?

Alexander McCaig (03:55):

Oh, I'm going to buy more.

Jason Rigby (03:56):

That's what happened with the toilet paper, the funny thing.

Alexander McCaig (03:58):

Well yeah, it's just-

Jason Rigby (04:00):

You couldn't find any toilet paper.

Alexander McCaig (04:00):

It's a reaction of fear.

Jason Rigby (04:01):


Alexander McCaig (04:02):

So let's talk about the TARTLE marketplace in aspect of that. You're not going to shut off information. More information gets created every single day.

Jason Rigby (04:08):


Alexander McCaig (04:09):

It's not a function of scarcity. It's a time value of it.

Jason Rigby (04:12):


Alexander McCaig (04:13):

So if it's variable data that's changing all the time and you want to know what's going to happen tomorrow, well just wait for it, it'll show up. There's no limitation on it. There's no reason to act in fear of this market because everybody can participate within it.

Jason Rigby (04:27):


Alexander McCaig (04:27):

It's not a limited resource. It's essentially unlimited and the value of which you pay is for the depth and granularity and how quickly and how up-to-date that information is.

Jason Rigby (04:36):

And TARTLE's core values, I think this is really important, is freedom and economic enterprise.

Alexander McCaig (04:43):


Jason Rigby (04:44):

And freedom to be able to have an open market where people can make the decisions across the globe.

Alexander McCaig (04:51):

Correct. And those individuals are their own economic enterprises, every single participant-

Jason Rigby (04:57):


Alexander McCaig (04:58):

Is their own business because the work they put in generates an asset, which they then drive annuities off of far into the future.

Jason Rigby (05:05):

What people don't realize all money is, is a social construct.

Alexander McCaig (05:09):

It's just because all of us are like, yeah I'll trade that for that value.

Jason Rigby (05:12):

That's all it is. If you look down through the centuries we decided gold is valuable, we decided glass beads were valuable-

Alexander McCaig (05:18):

Salt was valuable-

Jason Rigby (05:18):

We decided salt. Yeah. People would go to war and risk their lives-

Alexander McCaig (05:20):


Jason Rigby (05:21):

For salt.

Alexander McCaig (05:22):

Do you that Kings used to fight over Diorite, a form of granite?

Jason Rigby (05:25):


Alexander McCaig (05:25):

Like speckled granite, because they thought it had mystical powers.

Jason Rigby (05:28):

So if money is a social construct, now we begin to have a different view of what money is. And now we can understand the true battle of money because this is a fear of Bitcoin or our TARTLE marketplace. As TARTLE keeps growing at the rapid rate that we're growing, governments across the globe are going to look at us and they're going to begin to fear it.

Alexander McCaig (05:55):

Yeah. What's going on here?

Jason Rigby (05:55):

They're going to fear this free market.

Alexander McCaig (05:57):

Yeah. They're not going to like the fact that everyone has access to information. Say there is a crime that is occurring in the country-

Jason Rigby (06:05):


Alexander McCaig (06:06):

That's going to be open information. You can't hide that stuff anymore.

Jason Rigby (06:10):

So if money is a social construct and especially here in the United States, well I think all over the world-

Alexander McCaig (06:15):

Everywhere it is.

Jason Rigby (06:19):

We're leaving this social construct to central bankers.

Alexander McCaig (06:24):

We let them define value of the construct.

Jason Rigby (06:27):

This is not freedom.

Alexander McCaig (06:27):

No, because you had no say, no choice-

Jason Rigby (06:31):


Alexander McCaig (06:31):

In how you were supposed to be defining it. Central banks are not society.

Jason Rigby (06:36):


Alexander McCaig (06:36):

They are just gatekeepers or people that are the dam.

Jason Rigby (06:40):

The problem is it reflects society's worth. So a central banker gets to make the decision-

Alexander McCaig (06:46):

About what society's worth.

Jason Rigby (06:47):

For what your society's worth. Whether you're in Nigeria, you're in Australia, you're in the UK or you're here in Albuquerque.

Alexander McCaig (06:56):

And then look at TARTLE. Let's invert that model. You decide how much your information's worth.

Jason Rigby (07:01):


Alexander McCaig (07:02):

Your own decision on what that value is. No one else is going to tell you.

Jason Rigby (07:05):

That's my next line, bro.

Alexander McCaig (07:06):

You get to decide.

Jason Rigby (07:07):

I have, society has to confirm value.

Alexander McCaig (07:09):

Society confirms the value.

Jason Rigby (07:11):

In the TARTLE marketplace, society, every human being-

Alexander McCaig (07:14):

Every single one.

Jason Rigby (07:15):

In 228 or however many countries there are, decides, determines the value.

Alexander McCaig (07:19):

They do that through their choice, under their consent for every single data packet sold and transacted, every single second on TARTLE.

Jason Rigby (07:28):

And we have no printing, we don't get the printers going 24/7 to print more money.

Alexander McCaig (07:33):


Jason Rigby (07:33):

We don't have that.

Alexander McCaig (07:34):

That's because information, the data is the fundamental support.

Jason Rigby (07:38):


Alexander McCaig (07:38):

And then that person decides that value to them. And then people can only come in with money. So if a central bank is saying, oh we're going to change value of money. Okay well then you just have to give me more for my data.

Jason Rigby (07:47):


Alexander McCaig (07:48):

Because people are defining the value of their work rather than having their works value being defined for them. Just because I put more hours in and a central banker decides to print more money that means it takes me more time, more labor to feed my family.

Jason Rigby (08:03):

So if money reflects society's worth, society confirms that value.

Alexander McCaig (08:08):


Jason Rigby (08:09):

Then we have to look at the main heart, the heartbeat of it all, that circulates. That is one word called trust.

Alexander McCaig (08:17):

Oh, trust.

Jason Rigby (08:19):

We just made a trillion dollar bill. What was it last week or the week before last.

Alexander McCaig (08:22):


Jason Rigby (08:23):

We just did a trillion dollar bill of infrastructure and stuff like that. It's going to cost us a trillion dollars. Government here in the United States just made this bill.

Alexander McCaig (08:33):

Oh yeah.

Jason Rigby (08:34):

Okay. Is it not a coincidence, here's trust, think about this. If we use a social construct and we use trust-

Alexander McCaig (08:40):


Jason Rigby (08:41):

Is it not a coincidence when this bill got, said okay, we're going more into debt, now we're going to go trillion dollars into debt, that Bitcoin hit an all time high. Who is the young generation not trusting?

Alexander McCaig (08:52):

They don't trust the government. It's showing you that their value is inverse to the choices that they're making over here.

Jason Rigby (09:02):


Alexander McCaig (09:02):

So as they essentially decrease the value of money, we say okay, we're going to increase the value of what we think is valuable.

Jason Rigby (09:08):

Because here's the question, who do we trust?

Alexander McCaig (09:11):

We trust ourselves. We do not trust the government.

Jason Rigby (09:14):


Alexander McCaig (09:15):

I'm not trying to create a problem here. I'm not saying we need to open up a new government or anything like that. I'm just stating that people want choice. And when you devalue their work, they will find the path of least resistance. They will go to better options.

Jason Rigby (09:30):


Alexander McCaig (09:30):

Do you know what trust means? When you drive a car, you trust that an individual is not going to drive over the double yellow and head on you. You trust that people pay attention to the lights. When I walk around in a public setting I trust I'm not going to get stabbed or shot.

Jason Rigby (09:43):


Alexander McCaig (09:43):

I trust that we're all going to work amicably together to evolve.

Jason Rigby (09:46):

But what if the city, all of a sudden, every night in the middle of the night begins to change the lanes.

Alexander McCaig (09:51):

Or what happens if the city comes out and says, you don't have to worry about trust, we'll manage it for you. Well then people are like screw it I'll do whatever I want. Because when the city's not there to manage me, then I'm going to start breaking the rules.

Jason Rigby (10:03):

So the institutional monetary system, there's no trust.

Alexander McCaig (10:06):

No it doesn't-

Jason Rigby (10:06):

Not now.

Alexander McCaig (10:08):

No, there's no trust.

Jason Rigby (10:09):

So what are they asking? No, this is very important.

Alexander McCaig (10:10):

I'm going to throw something.

Jason Rigby (10:12):

You're going to love this.

Alexander McCaig (10:12):

I'm jacked up.

Jason Rigby (10:13):

Are you ready?

Alexander McCaig (10:14):

Yeah, go ahead.

Jason Rigby (10:14):

What are they asking us to do?

Alexander McCaig (10:16):

Trust them.

Jason Rigby (10:17):

To have faith.

Alexander McCaig (10:18):


Jason Rigby (10:18):

They're asking us to have faith in the dollar but we need to trust them, not have faith.

Alexander McCaig (10:25):

Oh, right.

Jason Rigby (10:25):

You see what I'm saying?

Alexander McCaig (10:25):

When someone tells you to have faith in the dollar, that's saying you don't have all the facts, let them control it for you and you just go about your day. Trust means they are open with their decision making, they ask you to be involved in it-

Jason Rigby (10:36):


Alexander McCaig (10:36):

There's reciprocity of the relationship, and there's agreed upon value amongst all of us.

Jason Rigby (10:41):

Because you know what this scenario with faith is on this.

Alexander McCaig (10:44):

Tell me.

Jason Rigby (10:45):

Faith is shared fiction.

Alexander McCaig (10:46):

It is shared fiction. The central bank has made a religion out of their economics.

Jason Rigby (10:52):


Alexander McCaig (10:52):

And when you do that, you disproportionately put people in boxes.

Jason Rigby (10:57):


Alexander McCaig (10:57):

You define a world in a way that is unreal. And when we have things like that people are like this isn't real. They see through it and they're like, we got to go find a better way to do things.

Jason Rigby (11:06):

Because the 1% can't determine the values of society.

Alexander McCaig (11:09):

No. And they shouldn't determine the values of society.

Jason Rigby (11:11):

That's why TARTLE's marketplace is needed more than ever.

Alexander McCaig (11:13):

Why? Because people need to decide the value for themselves. They need to come together as a collective. They have to trust that their fellow man or brethren will come together with them to join the marketplace and start to determine that value.

Speaker 3 (11:23):

Thank you for listening to TARTLE cast with your hosts, Alexander McCaig and Jason Rigby, where humanity steps into the future and source data defines the path. What's your data worth?