Tartle Best Data Marketplace
Tartle Best Data Marketplace
Tartle Best Data Marketplace
Tartle Best Data Marketplace
May 20, 2022

How YOU Fit in the Future of Data Networks and Technology

How YOU Fit in the Future of Data Networks and Technology

This episode is a deep dive into the power of growing networks. Alexander and Jason begin by discussing Metcalfe’s Law, which refers to how the value of a network grows as each user joins. Over time, the users and their data become a powerful asset.

Metcalfe’s Law and Web 4.0

We had serious problems with definitions and data collection in Web 3.0. This made it difficult for us to understand the full extent of our technologies. We did not have the best opportunities to interact with data.

In TARTLE, the network is composed of millions of people that come on the system and function as an individual node. Each person willingly provides their data, which is essentially a definition of their worldview. After this, it is processed by AI. 

There’s a reciprocity and sense of balance that did not exist in the traditional system. We’re no longer talking about just sharing information from one computer to another. This is a chance for human beings to be the nodes themselves.

It’s an important development for two reasons. First, the network becomes more robust as each person joins TARTLE. This means that the value, definition, and sovereignty you have over your information becomes stronger. Second, the protection of your digital rights increases as well.

Closing Thoughts

Before TARTLE, we basically went on the internet and allowed big tech to put us in digital indentured servitude. The reality is that every time you go online, other people are using everything about you—your thoughts, emotions, behaviors, location—and for their own profit.

Now, TARTLE gives people an opportunity to build a strong network of direct communication, data privacy, and personal autonomy. This isn’t just another way to make money. When you sign up on the platform, you are supporting yourself and upholding others as well.

Take our first step and sign up here.

How YOU Fit in the Future of Data Networks and Technology
How YOU Fit in the Future of Data Networks and Technology

This episode is a deep dive into the power of growing networks. Alexander and Jason begin by discussing Metcalfe’s Law, which refers to how the value of a network grows as each user joins. Over time, the users and their data become a powerful asset.

Feature Image Credit: Envato Elements

For those who are hard of hearing – the episode transcript can be read below:


Alexander McCaig (00:00):

There we go. It helps when you have the volume [inaudible 00:00:09].

Jason Rigby (00:08):

We're going.

Alexander McCaig (00:10):

It's moving now. Yeah, it's a little hot, huh?

Jason Rigby (00:14):

Oh yeah. The board is hot, everything is hot, hot, hot.

Alexander McCaig (00:18):

There we go. Okay. Jason, what the hell is Metcalfe's law? For the people that are viewing this, we got it up on the screen.

Jason Rigby (00:27):

Yeah. Let's dive into this. I think it's really interesting. I think it'll show people an explanation of, especially back in the day when you began to... Who came up with the first network? It was Stanford, wasn't it? When they were coming up with the internet and stuff.

Alexander McCaig (00:43):

Yeah, no, that's correct. They were working on Tim Berners-Lee after that, worldwide web, all that good stuff.

Alexander McCaig (00:48):

But the idea here is that when they were doing the early internet, there was no wifi.

Jason Rigby (00:57):


Alexander McCaig (00:58):

So they thought about it in the sense of how many ethernet connections, essentially hard wires do we have coming into one cross network. So you have like, say for instance, phone to phone that's one ethernet.

Jason Rigby (01:10):


Alexander McCaig (01:11):

So you're dialing into whatever that IP might be. Okay. Now what happens when we add a third one, we got a triangle. Four. Now we have square within a network, but then it cuts across sites. I can take the hypotenuse over to the next part of the network. This is becoming interesting. I can contact more people depending on the amount of vertices that end up getting at it, right. Or essentially nodes.

Alexander McCaig (01:32):

Now the value of these networks, the robustness was then calculated on this thing called Metcalfe's law, where if I hit a certain amount of nodes, then the value of the network became exponential, where it's going to work. It's going to be robust and it's actually going to act as a proper communications channel, across many different bodies.

Jason Rigby (01:54):

I know it shows underneath here in this validation because we love data.

Alexander McCaig (01:59):

Here we go.

Jason Rigby (01:59):

It talks about this right here. Maybe you could read that.

Alexander McCaig (02:02):

Yeah. So despite many arguments about Metcalfe's law, no real databased evidence for or against was available for more than 30 years. So this guy has an idea, but it is funny that they put it into law.

Jason Rigby (02:13):


Alexander McCaig (02:14):

But they're like, "We had no data to support it." So it wasn't until the Dutch started to analyze European internet usage patterns over long enough time, found the proportional value of how many nodes were required to actually support this idea.

Jason Rigby (02:29):

Yeah. And I thought it was cool. He actually used his Facebook data over 10 years to show that the model worked.

Alexander McCaig (02:36):

And that's the whole point. So if we think about it here-

Jason Rigby (02:40):

And they have a whole thing in 2018, they applied it to Bitcoin showing that over 7% of variance in what is that? In Bitcoin value.

Alexander McCaig (02:48):

In Bitcoin value. So what that's saying is depending on the amount of nodes that continue to add to the network, the value increases. So here's where-

Jason Rigby (02:56):

And we're seeing that.

Alexander McCaig (02:57):

Here's where we're getting to our sweet spot. So for every person that comes to join the network, say for instance, like Torro. That individual acts as their own node as Web 3.0 or as what you and I would coin as Web 4.0.

Jason Rigby (03:07):

Right, right.

Alexander McCaig (03:08):

They are the self sovereign individual that does their read-writing to the internet and through that sovereign action of sharing through their own choice that essentially that digital human right, the internet can then analyze this with more advanced algorithms, AI, things of the sort.

Alexander McCaig (03:25):

And it gets rid of a lot of the issues where we have trouble in Web 3.0, defining things, terms. So I've worked a lot, we have our own engineering teams and stuff at TARTLE. The question is how do you define something first? So once it's defined, we can all get on the same page.

Jason Rigby (03:42):

Right, right.

Alexander McCaig (03:42):

So if we're thinking about the Metcalfe's law here and the value what's being created at TARTLE, there's millions of people that come on the system, each one acting as it own node, each one projecting essentially a definition of how they view things, which then could be ingested by AI. So a lot of the pitfalls that are found within Web 3.0, deals with the data that's actually being received and how it's aggregated and individuals actually interacting with it.

Alexander McCaig (04:14):

It's very difficult for people to actually understand a lot of the concepts, these newer concepts in Web 3.0, to feel the interaction. I don't get the what's an NFT, what are all these things? If you simplify it to the fact that you've created something, which you're going to share to the internet through your own definition or lens of the world, is going to help them understand this definition and then apply it to their own business intelligence or analytics to then give you some sort of gain back for doing that.

Alexander McCaig (04:43):

There's reciprocity, there's balance in 3.0, that really didn't exist before.

Jason Rigby (04:48):

So, on this Metcalfe's law, whenever you're looking at a network and nodes, how many nodes can, I mean, you said it's up to people.

Alexander McCaig (04:57):

It's up to people.

Jason Rigby (04:58):


Alexander McCaig (04:59):

That's correct. There's been a transition now. It's no longer just computer to computer. We're now talking about human beings as nodes. So as each individual person joins the TARTLE marketplace or essentially that network, it becomes more robust so the value and the definition and the sovereignty over your information becomes more robust. The protection of your digital rights become more robust with every single person that joins. Is that making sense?

Jason Rigby (05:28):

Yeah. That makes perfect sense. So let's, because I want people to understand this from a logical perspective, so if I have... A human is a noid.

Alexander McCaig (05:40):

A node.

Jason Rigby (05:41):


Alexander McCaig (05:41):

Annoyed, annoyed, annoyed.

Jason Rigby (05:43):

What was that show?

Alexander McCaig (05:46):


Jason Rigby (05:48):

Like little noids or something. Wasn't it like a cartoon or something?

Alexander McCaig (05:49):

Yeah, I think so. That was funny.

Jason Rigby (05:51):

So a node, so a human's a node.

Alexander McCaig (05:52):


Jason Rigby (05:53):

And then from there, now, how does that network out?

Alexander McCaig (05:58):

Oh good.

Jason Rigby (05:58):

Let's say somebody fills out a data packet, then how does that transfer value to the node?

Alexander McCaig (06:06):

That's fantastic. So that node decides which connection is asking to come to it. So say a business on the other side wants to buy your data.

Jason Rigby (06:15):


Alexander McCaig (06:15):

From you, the human being AKA the node, you can choose amongst the 5,000 people coming in to buy it, which other node you would like to share with. So now it's not just open network, but it's also choice of where the communication goes.

Jason Rigby (06:30):

That makes sense.

Alexander McCaig (06:31):

So there's robustness in the fact that people can connect to it, right. That we can become connected, but there's a layer of choice involved. Whereas before that wasn't there and people were just abusing the fact that information was freely going around. We can aggregate all of it and we can make money off of people's work. So the idea here is you can choose as a node who to communicate with.

Jason Rigby (06:52):

So, let me ask this. So the value of the work is being reported into the network. You have free market, a buyer, seller.

Alexander McCaig (06:59):


Jason Rigby (07:00):

Where, what was happening or what is happening even now, aside from TARTLE, you pull TARTLE out the picture, you basically have slavery.

Alexander McCaig (07:08):

Yeah. So if you take TARTLE out as a tool, right? Like a defensive tool, then you have just people working for companies for no pay.

Jason Rigby (07:18):


Alexander McCaig (07:19):

Digital indentured servitude.

Jason Rigby (07:20):


Alexander McCaig (07:21):

And they're using your thoughts, emotions, behaviors, location, everything about you and you weren't receiving any of the benefit for it. That's kind of ass backwards. We've seen the problems throughout history when slavery is the thing, right. This big group comes in, takes over an area and says, "You're all going to be our slaves. You're not going to get anything for it."

Alexander McCaig (07:41):

It seems all well and good. We'll protect you. We're stronger. We know what to do with the resources. So you just work. We'll keep you protected and happy, but don't pay attention to what we're doing.

Alexander McCaig (07:53):

That world is vanishing. Because when you put TARTLE in there, it's like putting on the reality goggles, you know?

Jason Rigby (07:58):

Yes. Yes.

Alexander McCaig (08:00):

There's like a low hum because there's so much knowledge flying into your eyes. You're like, "Oh my gosh, I can see everything going on." (singing).

Jason Rigby (08:11):

We need a commercial of TARTLE. People are dancing in the rain.

Alexander McCaig (08:15):

The logo is just raining on them.

Jason Rigby (08:16):

It's bouncing on them. Yeah.

Alexander McCaig (08:17):

Oh man. So in simplicity, let's consider this, we have an ant colony, the value of communication-

Jason Rigby (08:28):

Perfect network.

Alexander McCaig (08:28):

Of an organic network is super efficient and the communication is so quick because all these nodes are interacting through their own choice. The ant can stray out and say, "I'm going to go get some food further away from the ant hill." That's his choice. But when they come back and choose to share, it's immediately becomes a part of that network but it's very robust. So say for instance, a flood comes in, people are thinking I can drown the ants in water. No, ants can survive for well over a week, completely encased in water.

Jason Rigby (08:52):

They can just float. Yeah.

Alexander McCaig (08:53):

They float and they connect together. So the robustness is there. So for every human being that joins TARTLE, and you have a function of Metcalfe's law that comes into it, you are creating a robustness on human rights. You're creating a robustness on your store of value for your data itself. Okay, and every time you share, you reinforce that law and you reinforce the fact that you are the rightful owner of the information you have been creating and you deserve the value for it.

Speaker 3 (09:21):

Thank you for listening to TARTLEcast with your hosts, Alexander McCaig and Jason Rigby, where humanity steps into the future and restores data defines the path. What's your data worth?