Tartle Best Data Marketplace
Tartle Best Data Marketplace
Tartle Best Data Marketplace
Tartle Best Data Marketplace
June 6, 2022

Expectations vs Reality on Human Progress, Experience, & Our Existence

Expectations vs Reality on Human Progress, Experience, & Our Existence

Your government is a Ponzi scheme.

Yes, we’re talking about all governments.

Think of all the money being printed out by the central bank just to cover all the debt that’s being incurred, while they’re simultaneously encouraging more investors to enter the system. It’s a long cycle of paying earlier investors with funds from recent investors, and all that debt gets transferred to the shoulders of the general public.

Yes, people like you.

So much social engineering goes into making sure that you are controlled by money. The truth is it’s just a piece of paper.

“It's no longer actual, like a certificate to trade it back in for gold or something else. It's a note. It's debt. We're just, we're throwing debt around, you work so someone else can print more and make your work worth less,” Alexander explained.

As the system grows, more people join, earn debt, and pay back into it. The people issuing are the ones who get more funds. The ones at the top are earning big.

The one thing that the government cannot regulate, no matter how hard they try, is trade. Trade is incredibly dynamic and grows alongside humans. It adapts and comes from all different areas. It’s a core human activity—one that TARTLE is passionate about preserving.

Here’s the Key. Unlock Your Cage.

Your existence is highly improbable. Imagine the long list of successful choices your ancestors make so that you could become a living, breathing, and thinking being. 

Going through the daily motions of working, eating, and sleeping can make it difficult to think of the bigger picture. But you deserve to have opportunities where you can connect, find meaning, and explore the world around you.

No false sense of scarcity. No limits.

TARTLE was made to allow that sense of independence and connection. On this platform, all transactions occur exclusively between a buyer and a seller. Everything on the platform comes with no strings attached and was made because someone worked hard to create it. Conversely, everything you bring to the platform is borne out of your own efforts. You will get paid for your hard work and no one else.

Transact in truth. Act with power. It’s time to step out of that cage.

Sign up for TARTLE through this link here.

Expectations vs Reality on Human Progress, Experience, & Our Existence
Expectations vs Reality on Human Progress, Experience, & Our Existence

Think of all the money being printed out by the central bank just to cover all the debt that’s being incurred, while they’re simultaneously encouraging more investors to enter the system. It’s a long cycle of paying earlier investors with funds from recent investors, and all that debt gets transferred to the shoulders of the general public.

Feature Image Credit: Envato Elements

For those who are hard of hearing – the episode transcript can be read below:


Alexander McCaig (00:00):

All right, Jason, we're back for part two of essentially responsibility and markets here. In fact that's if I'm going to give it a name. After leaving off about inter engineering of a human being and looking at that data from the outside to enhance our world, where does that leave us now in a macroeconomic sense?

Jason Rigby (00:25):

Macroeconomic sense. Here you go. Are you ready? I'm going to drop a bomb.

Alexander McCaig (00:28):

Yeah. Do it.

Jason Rigby (00:29):

Your government is a Ponzi scheme.

Alexander McCaig (00:32):

Of course it's a Ponzi scheme. Should we define Ponzi scheme?

Jason Rigby (00:34):

Yeah, we're going to define Ponzi scheme, but I want people to understand, your government, whether you're in Russia, Australia, the UK, Canada, United States, Brazil, it does not matter. Your government is a Ponzi scheme.

Alexander McCaig (00:45):

Yeah. So hold on. I'm just burning incense over here. You guys want to know what a Ponzi scheme is? A Ponzi scheme is a form of fraud that lures investors and pays profits to earlier investors with funds from more recent investors. So let's think about this. Debt... This is so great. What do you think your central bank does? They print print, print, print, print, so that they can-

Jason Rigby (01:13):

And everyone's doing it.

Alexander McCaig (01:14):

And everyone's doing it. And it loads more debt onto the balance sheets so that the people before who needed to get those funds can get paid off. And then that debt gets transferred over to the general public for the general public to eat for the next 50 to a hundred years.

Jason Rigby (01:27):

Yeah. And it's also a Ponzi scheme in the sense, if we stay more macro, is that it's agreed value. We're all agreeing that the value is this. So because the people could easily... I mean, it happens all the time. There's probably a government getting overthrown as we speak.

Alexander McCaig (01:42):

Which is kind of cool, yeah because it's like, it's evolving, they're trying to figure out what's going on. And when I say overthrow, it doesn't have to be violent, I just mean like, yeah, we're not going to do it like that anymore.

Jason Rigby (01:52):

Yes. Yeah, exactly. So when we look at government and you just talked about debt, what they're playing around with is the money. And so the money is actually a useful fiction of, well it's not real. Like in the United States, everybody, all of you want us dollars.

Alexander McCaig (02:14):

Everybody wants it.

Jason Rigby (02:14):

But it's just a piece of paper with dead presidents on it.

Alexander McCaig (02:17):

And it literally said, Federal Reserve Note.

Jason Rigby (02:21):

Note. Yeah. It's just a piece of paper.

Alexander McCaig (02:22):

It's no longer actual, like a certificate to trade it back in for gold or something else. It's a note. It's debt. We're just, we're throwing debt around, you work so someone else can print more and make your work worth less.

Jason Rigby (02:38):

Yeah. It's just a receipt of our debt.

Alexander McCaig (02:41):

So wait a minute. So the more people that join in and earning this debt and then they have to pay back into it. The people issuing it continually get more funds. So the more people that operate within this system, the honchos at the top get more to cash.

Jason Rigby (02:57):

Well, it's a false sense of scarcity.

Alexander McCaig (02:58):

Oh interesting. Yeah, of course it is. Because if you engineer scarcity, then you have full control over what the perceived value is.

Jason Rigby (03:06):

Oh. So we have no free will thus we have people that are just playing around irresponsibly and they've given all their control and responsibility over to the Ponzi scheme.

Alexander McCaig (03:16):

Yeah. So they do, people attach their lives and identities to the Ponzi scheme itself.

Jason Rigby (03:22):

And the government's not going to recognize your limitless nature.

Alexander McCaig (03:26):

No, a government is designed to set limitations. Is it not? So why would they recognize the power of your own free will and your own responsibility?

Jason Rigby (03:37):

But there is one thing that the government, no matter how they try to regulate it, but you can't regulate it completely and that's trade. Trade allows us to increase our productivity period.

Alexander McCaig (03:48):

I think we got to blow that down, my friend. What is it about trade that they can't regulate? It's adapting. It's coming from all different areas. Why? Because people are thinking about new ways to change the trade, to make it to their advantage. So that means they can't regulate human thought. Which is the hardest thing to even put your hands around. I think that's what it comes down to. Does it, am I wrong? Am I off base?

Jason Rigby (04:12):

No, no. I think it is. I mean we always... Trade is barter. I mean, barter system, whatever you want to call it, you can have lots of different names, but many of you that are out there that are listening are go to a market and you may trade some apples for-

Alexander McCaig (04:26):

A goat.

Jason Rigby (04:26):

Or whatever. Or you may even make a promissory note and say, "Hey, I trust you. You trust me. I need this goat right now over the next three months, I'll give you coconuts." You don't-

Alexander McCaig (04:38):

Hoping to trust that this person-

Jason Rigby (04:39):

Will deliver on the ticket.

Alexander McCaig (04:41):

Deliver what you said.

Jason Rigby (04:41):

But that's a note on that person, stating that's why everybody loves the US dollar because the Federal Reserve is revered as-

Alexander McCaig (04:48):

It's a note on perceived trust. So your track record of doing well and being trustworthy should keep that value where it is. Well, what happens when you screw up many, many times and you still tell people to trust it?

Jason Rigby (05:01):

Well that's what's happening.

Alexander McCaig (05:02):

Yeah. So that's my point. I was teeing you up for it.

Jason Rigby (05:04):

Where the TARTLE marketplace eliminates that part, the TARTLE is not coming and making a note on, it's not making a note on your data. We have a buyer and a seller and that's it.

Alexander McCaig (05:18):

We specifically said when this was originally engineered, "No credit will be instilled in the system." So if you want to get something, you have to pay for it right now. It's not like, "Oh, I'll pay someone in the future for the work they've done." No, they need to be compensated for that work at this moment. And that data needs to be paid for right this second, if you want it now, you got to pay for it now.

Jason Rigby (05:41):

Well, I think TARTLE understands the limit to this nature of each and every single one of us. And if we view this as evolving limitless, full abundance, not opposite of scarcity, then as we're creating more data, as you're online, being more creative and making music, making art, you're doing the things that you're passionate about, whatever that may be, being a photographer. TARTLE embraces all of that. And it wants you to get rewarded for your creativity. It wants you to get rewarded for those-

Alexander McCaig (06:12):

Being a good human being.

Jason Rigby (06:12):

Yeah. For yes. For being a good human being. And so that whole concept of TARTLE's marketplace, the more abundant it is, the more it flourishes.

Alexander McCaig (06:22):

Yeah. And actually the more participation, the more truth, the more sharing that occurs, the more abundance everyone gains and the faster we evolve. It's a really interesting concept of unity. Wow, unity works. My goodness. This is why you can't-

Jason Rigby (06:41):

That's the unseen principles we're talking about right now.

Alexander McCaig (06:42):

Yeah. If we put these metaphysical borders up on people to prevent them from using the system, we're essentially sapping the evolution of everybody because we're all inextricably interlinked. Do you feel me on that?

Jason Rigby (06:55):

No. And this is exactly what, when we look at the Western world, and we look at human experience, this is what we're talking about, our human experience. We were taught to focus only on intelligence. The tests that we take online, everything is based off of intelligence. These unseen principles. You're not graded on how unifying you are.

Alexander McCaig (07:16):

No. Which would honestly, if someone was super unifying that tells me they have a high level of intelligence because they understand cause and effect. I'm not that intelligent. I'm learning every day. I recognize that I know so much about so little.

Jason Rigby (07:31):

But I mean, it's we talked about, last episode, we talked a lot about yoga and I encouraged people. So after you do yoga and you have this euphoric feeling and you feel great and your body amazing and that's that kind of that dimension beyond what we can see. Our intelligence doesn't really understand that, but you dive into that and say, "Why am I feeling this way? Why is this great?" And then you have this huge amount of self-awareness over that. That's not rewarded in the Western world.

Alexander McCaig (07:56):

No, it's not.

Jason Rigby (07:57):

But that's...

Alexander McCaig (08:01):

It's rewarded everywhere else.

Jason Rigby (08:03):

But you see what I'm saying? So but what is human experience?

Alexander McCaig (08:09):

Come on.

Jason Rigby (08:10):

Do you know what I mean? It's more than just intelligence.

Alexander McCaig (08:12):

Human experience is not all just trying to say, "I know everything." You can know everything. You can read every book under the sun, but until you actually put that knowledge to work, to create experience, you lack wisdom. And real human experience is wisdom. It's applied knowledge at the right time, in the right place. And learning from that, it redefines all of this growth and all these things that are happening. And that says, my human experience is derived from the amount of wisdom I have gained to enter engineer myself, with all this data that's come in over the entire course of my life. I had a thought last night before going to bed.

Jason Rigby (08:54):

Which thought the angry thought or-

Alexander McCaig (08:57):

No, before the angry thought occurred. I said, what would it be like for me, if I was reading my own obituary? Just chew on this for a second. I'm thinking like, if I were to read about my life and then I was thinking like, what would I want it to say? What would I want people to remember me by? Not in a sense of ego, but actual impact that was left for better or worse.

Jason Rigby (09:32):

For better or worse. Yes.

Alexander McCaig (09:34):

And I thought, wow, that really changes how I'd want to make my decisions right now. And so just outside of that tool, all your choices, all this data leads to one final place. And that's all of our finalities. We all end up dying. And I just want to know that if all the cause and effect and the data I've generated up to that point, I'd want all those probabilities to be great things that I leave the world with. And I was really thinking about my obituary. And the more I thought about it, I'd want it to be as short as possible. And it'd be super cool if it just said Alexander McCaig dies at 120 years of age, human being.

I thought about that, not, oh, I've owned this much or did this much or saved this much or helped and gave back to this or I was a philanthropist. None of those things. What I realized is the real value is the experience of being the human being, the absolute best possible human being. And I thought the best obituary for me would be the absolute shortest one.

Jason Rigby (10:46):

You used the word probability. And I saw this math formula a while back about the improbability of your existence.

Alexander McCaig (10:55):

It's highly improbable but you exist.

Jason Rigby (10:57):

So, so by being born, you're defying all the odds.

Alexander McCaig (11:01):

Yeah. Even just surviving birth, you're defying odds.

Jason Rigby (11:03):

Yeah, surviving birth.

Alexander McCaig (11:05):

So not to mention the fact that two other people had to come together, no pun intended and then generate, procreate. And then through a gestational period, nothing happened to upset that then the baby was born. The baby was born healthy enough for you to exist. And then come up to this point where you are now. And by the way, where you're sitting in your seat, you've made enough choices where you haven't died. It's pretty incredible that you actually exist at this moment, if you think about it.

Jason Rigby (11:33):

And that's something that we have as human beings, you said human beings. As human beings, we have something that's so different. We talked about the grizzly bear before, the grizzly bear doesn't know it's a bear. We know we're humans. We have this thing, this is intangible more than intelligence. We have this thing and this is scientific proven it exists, consciousness.

Alexander McCaig (11:54):

Yeah. And our consciousness allows us to recognize ourselves as an entity when we look in a mirror.

Jason Rigby (11:58):

We can realize that I'm sitting in this chair and I am here.

Alexander McCaig (12:02):

Yeah. You're actually floating in the chair. If you talk to a physicist.

Jason Rigby (12:04):

Yes, yes.

Alexander McCaig (12:05):

But yes, that's correct, sitting in that chair and you are here.

Jason Rigby (12:08):

And so then it begins to say, "Okay, I am here. I exist. I went against all odds. I'm alive. I'm well." Some of you are healthy. Some of you may be a little unhealthy. Some of you are making bad choices in your life to create unhealthy, but you're alive.

Alexander McCaig (12:24):

So you're going to waste those odds. Which is an interesting question. How much do you value those incredible odds of where you are? You have... Gosh, man, you got to really take a hard look at where you came from and how you got to where you are. It takes time. Oh and for a lot of people, it's quite painful to look at that. And others is quite easy to say where they've gotten. But taking that look builds a level of self awareness that is so fundamentally important for all of our decisions going forward. So we don't fall into Ponzi schemes, not even Ponzi schemes with our emotions and other groups. You know what I mean? Where we give up our emotions and then more people have to pay into this thing so that whoever the guru is leading it can get all the gain.

Jason Rigby (13:08):

Well, it's a Ponzi scheme. I mean Facebook just came out a couple weeks ago saying that the 20 top Christian site Facebook groups, the top groups were being farmed. 19 of the 20 were fake Christian groups. Everybody thinks they're real, but they were being farmed in Uzbekistan and Russia and stuff like that. So you're getting played.

Alexander McCaig (13:31):

You're always getting played.

Jason Rigby (13:31):

And I don't care if it was Christian or Hindu or whatever, it doesn't matter. But what I want people in inner engineering, taking responsibility, understanding that you have consciousness, realizing that you are here/\. Now it is time. And this is where TARTLE comes in. Now it is time to create a relationship where you can manifest.

Alexander McCaig (13:51):

I love that. And not just manifest in the, "Oh, I'm going to manifest my destiny or I'm going to make a bunch of money up here." Right. The thing that you can manifest is choice and you need to recognize that. You have control over what you can do. And what you can know for a fact, is who you are. But we lack attention looking at that. We don't look at the data of who we really are, but when you recognize the power in that, that's when this greatness occurs that you're speaking about, that's when the materialization happens.

Jason Rigby (14:29):

Well, I mean, we all look at Mother Teresa as being this super compassionate, loving woman. And she went to India and worked with orphanages, handicapped orphans, what we would consider the outcast let's say of the world or whatever people would say. Why is these children even exist? You know what I mean? If you wanted to be really creepy and mean. And are we looking at homeless situations or whatever. But it's like TARTLE in the sense of manifesting in creating these relationships, because that's what it's about. It's creating relations, manifesting. And we know and the world knows that there's one thing that everyone can experience and that's love, we've all experienced it. And we have a consciousness.

We have the ability to experience love. And I'm not getting woo woo here. Because I'm saying, if we truly all decided to say, "Hey, it's about my brother. It's about my sister. It's about the neighbor next to me-

Alexander McCaig (15:35):

The stranger.

Jason Rigby (15:35):

... It's about the stranger. And I'm going to manifest love to them. I'm going to start creating not only with inside of myself, but with others. And I have the ability to do this." Because there's abundance through the marketplace at TARTLE that you normally wouldn't have. So now you have two billion people that's decided to join up and be data champions and decide to create and manifest. And now two billion people to say, "Hey, let's take on climate stability." Now we've just turned back the clock years of what's going to happen.

Alexander McCaig (16:14):

Hey, we don't want this disease to happen anymore. Let's all put together our own biometrics towards this thing.

Jason Rigby (16:21):

We've become limitless. The possibilities in this limited nature becomes limitless.

Alexander McCaig (16:26):

So I challenge those data champions and those people that aren't a part of the marketplace to come together and see what is actually possible. And really say, if you have the muster to understand yourself, your family, your friends and those who are strangers to you because in doing so, what we'll find is that we'll start to erase away problems and false perspectives that really didn't need to exist in the first place because our data was skewed. And now when we have clarity and we have truth and we share in these things and we see the responsibility and we know what we have control over and we know we can work towards it. And it's not albeit that difficult to do the work.

It's really low labor work. It does great things for human thought and human understanding, which is so needed at this very time. And when we can reframe those aspects of our lives, our societies, cultures and governments, we can direct our focus, energy time and resources towards the things we need for our own survival as a complete race.

Jason Rigby (17:23):

Yeah. I saw, and I'm not going to name the country, but I saw a video the other day where there was mass amounts of people in cages. And I began to look at TARTLE and I thought TARTLE could solve this. And I thought, no, no, no, it's a wrong approach. That's not not true. That's not what TARTLE is. I was like, people impose, we all put ourselves in a self-imposed cage. TARTLE doesn't take the responsibility to open the cage for you, but it gives you the key. The ability to be able to see that you have that power inside of you, but it's your responsibility to turn that key, to unlock the door, to open it and to see.

Alexander McCaig (18:05):

You've locked yourself in the cage. So we're going to give you a tool so you can make the choice to unlock it yourself, but you got to take that step. You got to reach your hand through, to the other side, outside of the cage where it's uncomfortable, it's scary. It's not protected. You got to turn that key and you have to open yourself up to a world of catalyst. You have to open yourself up in truth to these things that are occurring. You have to honestly speak about who you are. Transact in truth. That's what data champions do. And they realize there's great value that pays back to them and everybody else, when we operate in that format.

Jason Rigby (18:37):

It also forces in what, and this is an intangible part. This is that outside dimension that I want people to understand it. It Forces corporations to be ethical. So you're so pissed off at Exxon Mobil or and I'm not just calling them out, Google, whoever, we can name any corporation, Credit Suisse or whoever.

Alexander McCaig (18:58):


Jason Rigby (19:00):

Yeah. Whoever. But whenever they're purchasing, they're doing the right thing by purchasing data through TARTLE. And you're creating that because they wouldn't purchase the data through TARTLE if it wasn't for you being honest, so you are holding corporations accountable by doing what you're doing. You don't realize the unlimited power that you have, these corporations are, they're limited liability.

Alexander McCaig (19:26):

That's who they're, they're trying to limit their liability. And if you can give them something to limit it even further, to allow them to operate in truth, operate with what society wants, they'll do that. They not all be it, horrible, they just lack proper direction. So help them with the tool and the power that you have as a collective and as an individual.

Jason Rigby (19:47):

No matter who you are, in any country.

Alexander McCaig (19:50):

We all need to know how we all think. And we have to share in that. And the value of that will really help solve and we can stop pointing fingers, but give people or resource holders the opportunity to make better, more well defined, knowing choices. Rather than guessing and then waiting for something bad to occur, taking a path of least resistance when it's going to do the most amount of harm.

Jason Rigby (20:14):

So everybody needs to sign up now, if you haven't signed up for TARTLE, you have to.

Alexander McCaig (20:18):

You got to do it and it's totally free. It's so fucking free. It's like when they were drafting the original constitution, it's that free, you know what I mean? We're going to do whatever we want. It's so free, it's like oxygen, sign up. It's designed to work on all your platforms, everything totally low power. It's not going to suck up your bandwidth at your working hard for. We're here to help. And so you got to now take the reins and make the choice for yourself.

Speaker 5 (20:52):

Thank you for listening to TARTLE Cast with your hosts, Alexander McCaig and Jason Rigby. Where humanity steps into the future and source data defines the path. And what's your data worth?