Tartle Best Data Marketplace
Tartle Best Data Marketplace
Tartle Best Data Marketplace
Tartle Best Data Marketplace

What is Energy Pt. 3

Every action that people make requires energy. From simple things like taking a walk, to more interesting things like forging a sword, to more modern things like building a digital data marketplace. But not just energy swirling around randomly. Energy wielded by people implies purpose, which in turn implies thought and desire. Energy becomes the middleman between thought and achieving the aim of that thought. 

Where do we typically direct our energy? We direct it to the alleviation of some kind of anxiety. When we take a walk, we might be going to the store for food. Or we might just need some quiet time to think. We make a sword, or any weapon to alleviate anxiety about security. TARTLE was made to alleviate anxiety about data privacy. Basically, if there is a worry that people have, they will expend their energy to find a solution, something to eliminate or at least reduce the worry in question. 

We are also frequently looking for ways to further decrease those worries. We went from just walking for transportation, to horses, to cars, to planes. War went from clubs, to swords, to bows, to guns, to cruise missiles. Data privacy has gone from passwords, to ad blockers, to VPNs. People are constantly working to improve whatever they are doing, often making additional tools that in turn have other uses. Your Google Maps works because of the military’s GPS system. WD-40 exists because of the early space program, as do a number of synthetic fabrics that are used by athletes today. We create tools to help us build our tools and those secondary tools often have secondary and tertiary benefits that their creators could not have foreseen. The result is a system of interactions that amplify a variety of work efforts, helping us to not only reach the original goals but several others we didn’t even intend to affect. Often, such developments will result in helping others reach goals without even knowing about it. 

That is a big part of why humanity is the dominant species on the planet. We are able to take our thoughts and desires and figure out how to use our energy to make them a reality. In a way, we are able to use our energy to impose our desires on space-time, taking them from the realm of thought to the world of the material. 

How does all of this relate to TARTLE and to you? You’ve been using social media as a tool, probably for years at this point. No doubt, you’ve used it to achieve certain goals. You wanted to connect with people, share thoughts, run a business, etc. All the work you’ve put into those tools has been to reach your goals, whatever they are. However, there is a lot of secondary benefit from all that work that you’ve put into these platforms, benefits that you rarely if ever see. All your work is going to amplify the work of others. Which might be all right except often those secondary benefits are used against you. Your data is gathered and used to manipulate you to make more money from you without you even knowing about it. TARTLE exists as a tool to help you regain that energy and the ensuing secondary benefits for yourself. You reclaim it and decide when others will benefit from it while still benefiting from it yourself. That is, TARTLE exists to help you amplify your own efforts, to reach your goals. We have tens of thousands of members in nearly every country on earth. Each one is amplifying the energy of the others and the more there are the greater the amplification will be.

What’s your data worth? Sign up for the TARTLE Marketplace through this link here.