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What is TCAST

TCAST is a tech and data podcast, hosted by Alexander McCaig and Jason Rigby. Together, they discuss the most exciting trends in big data, AI, and humanity. It’s a fearless examination of the latest developments in digital transformation and innovation.

The pair also interview data scientists, thought leaders, and industry experts. Pioneers in the skills and technologies we need for human progress. Explore our extensive TCAST selection at your pace, on your channel of choice.


Blog Podcast search
August 3, 2022

Watch Our BIG Take on Human Rights, Tech, & Governments Now!

If you think you’re safe in your own head, think again. How far do you believe the government would go to find out what you’re thinking, every second of every day?  Ethical data collection is a serious concern that we...
August 2, 2022

Work Your Weight in Gold: Bringing Back Sovereignty With TARTLE

An Economy Built on Debt Papers Gold is not just a piece of metal. It’s a cultural statement. It’s a message of power. Throughout history, we associated a strong cultural significance to gold.  So when the gold standard was replaced...
August 1, 2022

KNOW MORE: Interesting Talks on The Art of War, New Tech, & the Future

If we aren’t careful about our choices, social media can easily turn around and start shaping your identity. But what really gets the ball rolling is how you decide to use the platform. The algorithms are designed to self reinforce:...
July 27, 2022

How to Save Our Scorched Earth Before it's Too Late

Let’s talk about how we need to stop our legacy of violence now. Every time we develop new technologies, it’s used without thinking of the spillover effects on other people and on nature. Fire, the plow, planes, the nuclear bomb–our...
July 15, 2022

TARTLE's Active Role in Helping YOU Win on the Internet

Transitioning From Web 2.0 to Web 3.0 Previously, the internet was ruled by platform monopolies and highly regulated financial systems. Think of how society used to structure office buildings: giant, centralized areas with a centralized authority, where those in power...
July 4, 2022

UNLIMITED Benefits in the Future of Tech and the Metaverse

Tech development is starting to take a closer look at the human aspect of the internet. Web 3.0 is all about stepping away from centralization and caring for the end user and their experience.  This means that in the future,...
June 27, 2022

TARTLE's Secret Campaign to Stop Poverty Today is Out NOW

According to the World Bank, the global poverty line stands at $1.90. It’s the bare minimum people need to afford basic needs. Of course, there’s more to poverty than money. The lack of access to other non-monetary indicators like education,...
June 14, 2022

We Are Capable: It's Time to Empower Women and the Elderly With Susan Douglas

When did we decide to box out women and the elderly from the rest of society? Despite being just as capable (if not moreso) than the rest, there is a tendency to withhold opportunities for women and the aged.  Susan...
June 12, 2022

Are We Safe in the Metaverse? Why Only TARTLE Can Help

Here are some things you need to know about the metaverse.  First off, Alexander and Jason believe that the metaverse is an individual human’s choice on what they say is their reality. Second, it’s not some far-off end goal that...
June 10, 2022

Beware of the Avatar: TARTLE's Mission to Make the Metaverse Humane

How do you understand the metaverse? It’s on its way and it’s going to change the world. One day, you will have the power to load all of your senses into the online space. You’ll see, hear, and touch a...
June 8, 2022

How TARTLE is a Symbol of Hope and Change

If you are an entrepreneur, you can probably relate to that adrenaline rush or feeling of butterflies in your stomach when you first opened your business. Regardless of whether your business failed or succeeded or you’ve moved on to another...
June 6, 2022

Expectations vs Reality on Human Progress, Experience, & Our Existence

Your government is a Ponzi scheme. Yes, we’re talking about all governments. Think of all the money being printed out by the central bank just to cover all the debt that’s being incurred, while they’re simultaneously encouraging more investors to...
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