Tartle Best Data Marketplace
Tartle Best Data Marketplace
Tartle Best Data Marketplace
Tartle Best Data Marketplace

If you are an entrepreneur, you can probably relate to that adrenaline rush or feeling of butterflies in your stomach when you first opened your business. Regardless of whether your business failed or succeeded or you’ve moved on to another venture, there was that one point where everything chaotic suddenly focused on one main target. 

That’s the beauty of entrepreneurship. It’s an opportunity to engineer new things, tinker with novel ideas, and contribute to the evolution of a product or service.

Alexander likened this process to that of walking into a forest and finding the perfect flower.

“I have to slowly change my path. I have to change the time of day when I go out there. When is the sun going to hit? Is it going to be in bloom?” he explained. 

“It's that tinkering. It's that acting over, and over, and over, and over through the randomness of everything occurring in this forest, in this total ecosystem. And I funneled through the entropy and found that just small changes have led me towards a solution.”

Government Regulation is Pesticide

One of the biggest reasons why entrepreneurs fail is a lack of cash flow. And as it turns out, the currency used plays a pivotal role in this problem.

In the podcast, Alexander and Jason mull over Breedlove’s article, entitled Bitcoin is Hope, which discusses how Bitcoin can shift the store of value beyond debt and into a decentralized network. This would stabilize businesses and allow them to operate at incredibly low costs. In this scenario, Bitcoin isn’t just a store of value, but the system that your business operates in.

A decentralized network allows businesses to take action on their own, instead of fighting everyone else for grants or struggling to come up with the capital to pay upfront.

However, the value of Bitcoin can still be manipulated. When it comes to providing a platform where people know that their work is secured and is identified as their property. TARTLE is superior. 

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