Tartle Best Data Marketplace
Tartle Best Data Marketplace
Tartle Best Data Marketplace
Tartle Best Data Marketplace
June 15, 2021

The Ridiculous & Thoughtful TARTLE TikTok Comments Part 3

The Ridiculous & Thoughtful TARTLE

TikTok Round the Clock

After a run of pretty dense episodes ranging from TARTLE’s long-term goals to climate issues to brain scans, we thought it would be a good idea to revisit our lively TikTok community and respond to some questions and comments. Let’s jump right in, shall we?

We got a couple of comments about ongoing issues with the user interface at tartle.co. First, those comments come from people who are already signed up, the early adopters and we owe you a debt of gratitude. Without people willing to take the leap of faith early on, none of this would be possible. People like you help blaze the trails that others will follow. 

To the issue at hand though, we should have TARTLE 2.0 rolled out any day now. In fact, it may already be out in the wild before this post is public. The new and improved site will make the process of signing up with and effectively using TARTLE much, much easier. The reason why it has been difficult until now is because when TARTLE was first getting started it was just Alex developing the site. When it’s just one person working on it, he knows everything backwards and forwards and assumes everyone else will find it just as intuitive as he does. With no one else to bounce things off of, to point out the flaws, something goes out that at first seems simple, until other people take a crack at it. Incidentally, this is why writers have editors. They exist to point out the areas of a story that people who don’t know all the off page details won’t understand.

In any case, we have a team in place now working on those details and filling the gaps that one person working alone just doesn’t see. In addition to having a new and much easier-to-handle website in place, we should be able to respond to new issues much faster than before. 

What about our name? We get questions about this pretty often. If you’ve been here a while you know TARTLE is originally a Scottish term that refers to the awkward pause when two recently introduced strangers are trying to remember each other’s names. This might seem strange for some, but it emphasizes the anonymity of both parties, the fact that in that moment, they don’t really know one another yet. It also points to the potential relationship to come. In that moment, you are both unknowns, after that awkward moment, the situation changes, you are known to each other and it could be the beginning of a wonderful new relationship. 

There was also an energetic discussion on the description of mortgage as Latin for ‘death grip’. Whether that was the exact meaning or if the origin is really French, and that sort of thing. The point is, be careful with going into debt, especially those sixty-year mortgages for a two-bedroom townhome in California. Almost no one will ever actually pay that off. 

Finally, while we have early adopters, we also have the skeptics, those who think – or fear – that TARTLE is fake in some way. There isn’t much to say to that except we encourage you to check us out. Do all the research you want into us. Sign up with us and you have the freedom to share as much or as little data as you like. Don’t worry, we won’t be pressuring you, we just ask that you give us a chance. Then perhaps, after we’ve gotten past that awkward phrase, we can form a relationship and you’ll join us and thousands of others in trying to change the world. 

What’s your data worth? Sign up and join the TARTLE Marketplace with this link here.

The Ridiculous & Thoughtful TARTLE TikTok Comments Part 3
The Ridiculous & Thoughtful TARTLE TikTok Comments Part 3

After a run of pretty dense episodes ranging from TARTLE’s long-term goals to climate issues to brain scans, we thought it would be a good idea to revisit our lively TikTok community and respond to some questions and comments. Let’s jump right in, shall we?

Feature Image Credit: Envato Elements

For those who are hard of hearing – the episode transcript can be read below:


Recorded voice (00:07):

Welcome to Title Cast with your hosts, Alexander McCaig and Jason Rigby, where humanity steps into the future, and source data defines the path.

Alexander McCaig (00:24):

Oh, we're back. Back for another Tik Tok, round three.

Jason Rigby (00:29):

Are you ready, Alex?

Alexander McCaig (00:30):

Getting slugged by the public.

Jason Rigby (00:33):

We love it. No, we love our tick clock audience. They're always fun. [crosstalk 00:00:37] tick tock, make it don't stop. That was an old nineties rap that was horrific.

Alexander McCaig (00:44):

It was just as horrific then as it was just now.

Jason Rigby (00:46):

Just now when I did it. Yeah. Speaking of nineties, somebody said cool hoodie. And you had your Joseph coat of many color hoodie on. It's got like a green sleeve and-

Alexander McCaig (00:58):

Yeah, I like paneling.

Jason Rigby (00:59):

That was dead stock.dev.

Alexander McCaig (01:01):

Okay dead stock.

Jason Rigby (01:02):

Yeah. He loves your hoodie. But he put the face ... the face was like with his eyes up like this.

Alexander McCaig (01:07):

Oh, he's jealous.

Jason Rigby (01:08):

Oh, okay. So next one is ... Are you ready? We've got a lot of followers all of a sudden. People can go to [TRTLE 00:08:58] underscore official and sign up for our Tik Tok.

Jason Rigby (01:21):

Jack [Wilinsky 00:01:25] said this. Just put your rent mortgage phone bill subscriptions on auto pay with your credit card, then pay your bill. You are correct about the dip in credit score when you pay off a card. So, this is the [crosstalk 00:01:38] one of the episodes where we talked about credit scores and data.

Alexander McCaig (01:42):

Okay. Yeah. All right. Good. Thank you for giving all the other followers some advice.

Jason Rigby (01:46):

Yeah. No, that's a great thing. A lot of people don't do the auto pay stuff and they don't realize that being late is a ding. And then when we look at paying off credit cards and you talked about this too, that they're always trying to ... It's so funny. So I have Credit Karma or one of those apps, because I think this is a funny thing that we can get into.

Jason Rigby (02:11):

They're always sending me recommendations of credit cards.

Alexander McCaig (02:13):

Always. [crosstalk 00:02:14].

Jason Rigby (02:15):

So they're taking my data, showing me my score once a week. And then in the process, they're making money off of ... You see this transaction, how it's not very fair to me?

Alexander McCaig (02:25):


Jason Rigby (02:25):

I mean, I'm getting a score, yeah. But [crosstalk 00:02:27].

Alexander McCaig (02:27):

Wait a minute. So Credit Karma gets paid and you give me a card so I can put myself in more debt.

Jason Rigby (02:37):


Alexander McCaig (02:37):

Who's winning?

Jason Rigby (02:38):

Yes. Who's winning on all these companies? They may always make sure ... It's like when you go to ... I love going to The Wynn in Las Vegas. I don't know why, I just love that. I don't gamble-

Alexander McCaig (02:46):


Jason Rigby (02:47):

Yeah. I just like the whole atmosphere, the way it looks. And then the restaurants are really nice, the hotel rooms are nice. I just like-

Alexander McCaig (02:53):

They have great restaurants in there.

Jason Rigby (02:54):

Yeah. And it's kind of a little bit on the other side of the strip, kind of down a little bit more [crosstalk 00:02:59] Yeah. And I can smoke a cigar, relax.

Alexander McCaig (03:02):

Magic shows are fun.

Jason Rigby (03:04):

I don't even like the casino part. Sometimes I will bet on like an MMA fight, or like a soccer match.

Alexander McCaig (03:10):

All the worst possible odds.

Jason Rigby (03:11):

Yeah, [crosstalk 00:03:12].

Alexander McCaig (03:11):

Oh, good for you.

Jason Rigby (03:12):

I do that for fun.

Alexander McCaig (03:13):

At least the odds are fixed when it comes to the game. Good for you.

Jason Rigby (03:17):

But I mean, speaking of it being fixed, there's a reason why there's multimillion dollar paintings and sculptures all throughout The Wynn, and everything is so nice because they're making [crosstalk 00:03:29]

Alexander McCaig (03:29):

Designed to lose money. It's a giant statistical process for them. They know exactly what their payouts are going to be, and they know exactly how much they're going to collect.

Jason Rigby (03:38):

Yeah. And it's these old people are coming as we're going. It's the same thing with these companies that are taking your data.

Alexander McCaig (03:46):


Jason Rigby (03:47):

They know.

Alexander McCaig (03:48):

They know they're winning.

Jason Rigby (03:49):


Alexander McCaig (03:49):

Where's your payout?

Jason Rigby (03:50):

Yeah. They may have to pay TransUnion to get a score, but how much does that cost compared to you doing all this other stuff? This is an important one. Probably the most important comment that we've got on Tik Tok. I know we can be funny and stuff. And so this one we're going to spend like a couple of minutes on it, that's fine. C-L-O-T-I-L-D-E Blanchet, B-L-A-N-C-H-E-T-. So Clotilde-

Alexander McCaig (04:14):


Jason Rigby (04:14):

Yeah, Clothilde [Crosstalk 00:04:15] Blanchet. I'm going to be sending those to her.

Alexander McCaig (04:19):

We're going to get a new comment for that one.

Jason Rigby (04:25):

She said, "You need to explain how TRTLE works and have a wizard to step you through setup." It's not enough to have people sign up and not know what's next.

Alexander McCaig (04:33):

She is precisely correct. Thank you for identifying one of the major-

Jason Rigby (04:36):

She must have signed up probably, would be my guess.

Alexander McCaig (04:38):

She definitely did. If it's a she or he, whatever it is.

Jason Rigby (04:41):

It shows a picture of a she.

Alexander McCaig (04:42):

Okay. Well, that's helpful. That's precisely correct. When we did the first iteration, it was actually just me. So what you're looking at is here is the problem, and I will take this. The design you're feeling, I already knew it intimately in my head. And so when I just dished it out there, I had the stupid assumption that everybody else knew how to do it.

Alexander McCaig (05:06):

She is absolutely correct that it needs a handholding. We need to walk you through step-by-step. Guide you and teach you on each piece. Lucky for you, coming out in a couple of weeks is iteration 2.0, which is going to blow your mind. It's going to feel like you're walking into an art gallery and you literally have the artist with you and the museum curator, both talking in both ears. So you know exactly what's going on, how to understand it from the artist perspective, and how to actually move through the museum so you feel it properly.

Jason Rigby (05:33):

Yeah. That's going to be a new update and all of you that are early adopters are out there, we really appreciate you. We need early adopters. We need people to sign up for the system.

Alexander McCaig (05:42):

And we need your feedback. I love the feedback.

Jason Rigby (05:44):

We love feedback. So put comments in there, even on the 2.0. That's what we're going to be relying on, is user feedback. But these big seven, that we talk about, whether it's climate stability, whether it's making sure that everyone has education-

Alexander McCaig (06:00):

Educational access.

Jason Rigby (06:01):

Right. All of these big seven is so important to get these early adopters on, because that's what ... And kind of behind the scenes, when you're signing up, that helps us get to our million users. Once we get to a million users, now that gives us more opportunity to be able to reach the globe in a bigger format.

Alexander McCaig (06:21):

Yeah. In a more dense format. And the collective power of a million people, then 10 million, then a hundred, then a billion.

Jason Rigby (06:29):

Now we're solving the world's problems.

Alexander McCaig (06:30):

Now we're looking at our big seven. And can you highlight the big seven for Tik Tok for us?

Jason Rigby (06:34):

Yeah. Let me get my glasses.

Alexander McCaig (06:35):

We have them up here on the board. So the first one is cloud computing, cloud stability. You look insane right now. The first one is climate stability.

Jason Rigby (06:45):

Then educational access.

Alexander McCaig (06:46):

Educational access.

Jason Rigby (06:47):

I know the next one, human rights.

Alexander McCaig (06:48):

Human rights.

Jason Rigby (06:50):

And then global peace.

Alexander McCaig (06:51):

Global peace.

Jason Rigby (06:52):

Public health.

Alexander McCaig (06:53):

Oh, interesting.

Jason Rigby (06:54):

Yes. And then government and corporate transparency.

Alexander McCaig (06:57):

And our very last one?

Jason Rigby (06:58):

Economic equalization.

Alexander McCaig (07:00):

Okay. So all of these things, when we collectively bring our data together, the power that we can help solve towards these major issues. And certain nonprofits that are directly working on this stuff, you can actually through this new app, through the new 2.0 iteration of TRTLE, you can donate your earnings to these causes you care about. Not only can you share data and get paid to do so, but then it's like, "Well, do I want to give some of my earnings back?" You absolutely have the option to do so to support them, like I guess, twofold. One with your data and then back with the earnings.

Jason Rigby (07:33):

That's that's so awesome. I mean, this is the only system that's out there that-

Alexander McCaig (07:37):

Does this?

Jason Rigby (07:38):

Yeah. That allows you to help your world.

Alexander McCaig (07:41):

Yeah. So you can control your data, you can get paid for sharing it and you can come together collectively and solve these major problems. These things that are facing humanity and our longevity. How long are we going to stay here on this blue planet?

Jason Rigby (07:56):

Yeah. It was really interesting. I was watching a social philosopher last night. I was telling you about that. And they got into-

Alexander McCaig (08:02):

This was after you drank the Rockstar?

Jason Rigby (08:03):

Yeah. This is after I drank the Rockstar and was so jacked. What he said was they didn't take into consideration social media and all these other things, but they just ran mathematical formulas in our rate of ... Especially now with COVID and everything that's going on, like the break down of supply chains, and then going through how much we're consuming and then processes. And then small businesses going under and the rich elite getting richer and all that. So they broke all this down and they came to this conclusion is that we have about 40 something years left. Is what these [crosstalk 00:08:39] That's their opinion.

Alexander McCaig (08:40):

That's even worse. That's worse than the 70 years we've been talking about. A 30 year differential. 30 years.

Jason Rigby (08:47):

So the pressure's on peeps.

Alexander McCaig (08:49):

Yikes, guys [crosstalk 00:08:50]

Jason Rigby (08:51):

And whether it's 30 years or 70 years, it doesn't matter. Right now you can go onto TRTLE.co. T-R-T-L-E.co. You can sign up and you can start making a difference.

Alexander McCaig (09:01):

You can start making a difference. And I got to tell you, we're the generation that's going to do it.

Jason Rigby (09:06):

Yeah. And this is why I love next one. The Cullum, T-H-E C-U-L-L-U-M said this. It's all about choices. Use it or don't. Stop complaining.

Alexander McCaig (09:18):


Jason Rigby (09:19):

I know, that that's right there.

Alexander McCaig (09:20):

What's with the reality? Like dropping hammers. [crosstalk 00:09:23]

Jason Rigby (09:23):

Let's hop on it. Let's hop on the TRTLE train.

Alexander McCaig (09:27):

Yeah. Hop on the TRTLE train.

Jason Rigby (09:29):

Yeah. And then Dillmilly, D-I-L-L-M-I-L-L-Y said, "Bro, it's literally magic." So he's talking.

Alexander McCaig (09:36):

Thank you very much. Look at the alchemy we're doing.

Jason Rigby (09:40):

And then just in time, 007. And look at his, he's got like a little alien.

Alexander McCaig (09:46):

That's clever. [crosstalk 00:09:47].

Jason Rigby (09:48):

He said, because you're talking about sharing your data and getting paid for it. And he said, please, with a smiley face.

Alexander McCaig (09:54):

Listen, everybody on Tik Tok, So glad you get it. Thank you for the support. [inaudible 00:09:59] watching our stuff, listening to you and I. Guys, you're the champions here in this process. We're trying to make this happen for you. It's completely for your benefit. And then beyond that, your family, your generation of people that come after you, let's solve something that the people before us did a very poor job of even committing to solve.

Jason Rigby (10:19):

Yeah. And when we look at ... you kind of got into the one that sparked the most, and that went viral was the mortgage.

Alexander McCaig (10:27):

Oh, yeah.

Jason Rigby (10:27):

So we got a lot of comments on that one.

Alexander McCaig (10:29):

I was talking about the etymology of mortgage. And they're like, "It's French." Well, actually, before it was French, it was vulgar Latin. So I just want to clear that up.

Jason Rigby (10:39):

Yeah. Psychedelic underscore French underscore club, psychedelic French club. It's got a big mushroom picture said in French and then laughing.

Alexander McCaig (10:48):

No, I said it was Latin. You just got to go a step deeper, like we do on TRTLE?

Jason Rigby (10:52):


Alexander McCaig (10:52):

You know, they stopped at the company. Now it's like, we got to go back to you. You're the important one here.

Jason Rigby (10:57):

So I-D-A-B-N-I-D-U-N-K. Idabnidunk. I don't know. Said, "With the mortgages though, what about equity though?" Like you get equity from your house and you make supposedly ... But I-

Alexander McCaig (11:10):

You get equity from your data. Invest in yourself.

Jason Rigby (11:13):

Yeah. People don't realize this, but I told somebody the other day, I was like, "How long have you owned your house for?" And they're like, "20 something years, and it's almost paid off, my 30 year mortgage," or whatever. And I said, "I want you to take every receipt that you went to Home Depot in those on." Anything you've ever bought for this house to do repairs, everything else. I want you to take all of that for 20 something years and add that up plus the interest that you paid on the house, and see if your equity adds up to that.

Alexander McCaig (11:36):

Oh, by the way, you pay for all that after tax. The government took 36% of your money.

Jason Rigby (11:42):

Exactly. There's no such thing as that. And then the same guy, the IWD dunk, or whatever said, "Our death pledge."

Alexander McCaig (11:50):

Death pledge, yeah. So either way, anything about a mortgage is not vibe, it's not conducive for what it means to be human beings.

Jason Rigby (11:59):

So there's a thing called duets with you where somebody, they can make a video right next to you. And I have not watched this. So do we want to watch this on the air? They have you, and then they have themselves saying something about it.

Alexander McCaig (12:11):

Are you kidding me? Are you guys going to be talking smack? Oh, this can be brutal. Oh no, it's a totally open. They didn't even do anything on it. So much for that duet.

Jason Rigby (12:26):

Well, he must have just shared it then.

Alexander McCaig (12:28):

Yeah. I think he just shared it. That's cool. I'm glad people can make a video on our star video. That's very-

Jason Rigby (12:33):

Yeah. It looks like ... I see little bit of ... See that little blue right there?

Alexander McCaig (12:37):

I think they're watching it in the dark. They're probably in bed.

Jason Rigby (12:40):

It's moving around. Look, see that little ...

Alexander McCaig (12:43):

Yeah. I don't know what's going on with [crosstalk 00:12:45] Shout out to someone sharing it and [crosstalk 00:12:48]

Jason Rigby (12:47):

Yeah. 271 for me. Yeah, is the one that did that.

Alexander McCaig (12:50):


Jason Rigby (12:52):

Jamie underscore 3333 said, "The book, Word Magic. You will understand what the lead are up to."

Alexander McCaig (13:00):

I like our crowd. I like our [crosstalk 00:13:02].

Jason Rigby (13:05):

If you want to know more, we do another podcast.

Alexander McCaig (13:09):

We'll tell you all about conspiracy theories, yeah.

Jason Rigby (13:12):

S-M-I-T-T-Y-M-C Graf.

Alexander McCaig (13:15):


Jason Rigby (13:16):

Yes. Smitty MC Graf said this and you can talk about this one. Replied to your comment, "EFF is an amazing group that has done so much for personal privacy." I guess you worked there?

Alexander McCaig (13:24):

I don't work there. We actually were donors.

Jason Rigby (13:28):

They're talking about because you had the hat on.

Alexander McCaig (13:31):

So guys, just in this metaphorical sense, much like we support the mission value and principles of EFF, that's what's going on here with TRTLE. If you value our mission principle and vision that we have, we would hope that you align with us. Join the system and be that data champion. Take back what you need and help solve these global problems.

Jason Rigby (13:53):

Conceptual canvass. A-S-S. Conceptual Canvass said this. "I had the issue with not knowing how to use UI."

Alexander McCaig (14:02):

Yeah, that's correct. They're absolutely right. The UI, it's not very good. And that's why we spent so much time and so much testing with our users to update it. So I'm glad that ... And you know what I'd love to know? Is after they come back and use the new system, how excited they are about it.

Jason Rigby (14:18):

Bezos Bezos, with the little ghost space, love that. He said, "No pledge, meaning the contract dies only when a debt is paid or the property is foreclosed." Death post-pledge, not grip. Very different.

Alexander McCaig (14:30):


Jason Rigby (14:31):


Alexander McCaig (14:31):

You know, I love the fact checking.

Jason Rigby (14:35):

Yeah. Yeah, exactly. So B-L-A-Q-K F-O-X, Blaqk Fox, kind of in a different way. According to Google, it's French and the death part refers to the obligation death and being paid off, not a personified metaphorical little death.

Alexander McCaig (14:50):

Can we not just trust Google here? When's the last time [crosstalk 00:14:53]

Jason Rigby (14:53):

It is a ... so a personified, metaphorical literal death. Whenever you're felt that you're obligated to something and no matter what happens to you that organization is going to hold you accountable for it. It provides you ... I follow one guy and some people like him some people don't, Grant Cardone. But he's really big on this. He's a billionaire and he owns a bunch of apartment complexes and stuff. So it behooves him to have you rent. But he rents himself and he talks about it. He goes, "Especially in this young generation ..." And this was so important because most of our audience is 18 to 34. If you're 18 to 30, rent. "I'm telling you rent, because you don't know with working at home and everything that's going on. You may want to move to Mexico, or Sweden, or Berlin and be able to work."

Alexander McCaig (15:38):

You don't want to be locked up in a house.

Jason Rigby (15:40):

You don't want to be locked up to a house. [crosstalk 00:15:41].

Alexander McCaig (15:40):

You to be locked up in a job you don't like.

Jason Rigby (15:42):

Yeah. You need to be flexible. Maybe you want to be a contractor and do UI design and you want to do it when you're in Madagascar.

Alexander McCaig (15:49):

Yeah. Why not?

Jason Rigby (15:50):

Yeah. As long as they got high speed internet and you've got a great laptop, go for it.

Alexander McCaig (15:53):

It's an open world. Tesla's Star Link's coming out. Go for it. You can watch our podcast on some island in Fiji.

Jason Rigby (16:00):

Don't get in a bunch of debt.

Alexander McCaig (16:02):

Don't do it.

Jason Rigby (16:03):

It's not good for anyone.

Alexander McCaig (16:03):

We're going to think this through guys.

Jason Rigby (16:06):

Okay. Ohana 24/7. This will be the last comment. No, no. We're going to do one more, because one's super funny. You're going to laugh.

Alexander McCaig (16:14):

Great, here we go.

Jason Rigby (16:15):

It's not against you. It's just ... This guy's great.But this one, Ohana 24/7 commented on your main one where you're wearing your Knight armor, where you're talking about 400 and something [crosstalk 00:16:26]

Alexander McCaig (16:26):

Oh, where I was wearing that sweater from Zara.

Jason Rigby (16:29):

Yeah. Ohana 24/7 commented, "That this is probably all fake two tricks to feel safe, divided no matter what. At this point, guys, nothing is real except for the end of it all."

Alexander McCaig (16:39):

Holy smokes. What a negative view of life.

Jason Rigby (16:41):

Yeah, nihilism

Alexander McCaig (16:43):

Good for you. We feel nothing.

Jason Rigby (16:45):

TRTLE is not fake. I would not be working for TRTLE as chief conscious marketing officer and Alex would not be pledging his life and desire. This is not something that we have no exit strategy or any of that stuff. This is legit.

Alexander McCaig (17:00):

I've taken an enormous risk along with many others to make sure that this happens for the world.

Jason Rigby (17:05):


Alexander McCaig (17:05):

This is not something of any sort of fake. This is the new reality.

Jason Rigby (17:09):

God, I love our crowds. We're going to do two more real quick. Gretchen. "My neighbor said credit is just another currency." That's a great one. Same mortgage one. But this is the last one. This'll be funny. Smoke Alarm Cop said this.

Alexander McCaig (17:24):

Smoke Alarm Cop?

Jason Rigby (17:26):

It's already funny. Hyperinflation is Latin for butter. The metaphor is so beautiful. You look at butter, fat.

Alexander McCaig (17:36):

Oh, my gosh.

Jason Rigby (17:37):

I went into that one pretty deeply when I read that one before.

Alexander McCaig (17:39):

A super celebrity gets out of control. It can melt. What really is it when it leaves room temperature.

Jason Rigby (17:47):

Yeah. Grey Capital LLC. "Either use debt for your advantage or be taken advantage of by debt." Perfect. That's a great example.

Alexander McCaig (17:54):

Use data for your advantage or be taken advantage of your data.

Jason Rigby (17:57):

Killer Schemes, "Mortgage is a product like anything else. Part of the cost of doing business. This completely voluntary. Most mortgage abilities are liabilities in disguise." I love our audience. It's great.

Alexander McCaig (18:07):

Yeah. They're sharp. They have big bullshit filters.

Jason Rigby (18:12):

Yes. We all do.

Alexander McCaig (18:14):

They love to research. Nobody wants to get hosed. I like it.

Jason Rigby (18:19):

Oh, let's do this one. We're going to close here at the 20 minute mark. Tower of hot, "The only reason most men are in debt is because of an ex-wife." Terrific guys.

Alexander McCaig (18:32):

The chauvinism.

Jason Rigby (18:34):

Michele Fraley 6 ... Promise this will be the last one. "Who came up with your name? I don't like the meaning." So they may actually look the meaning up.

Alexander McCaig (18:41):

What do you mean you don't like the meaning? I'll explain it in the context here. You're anonymous on a system. The buyer's anonymous on a system. We as TRTLE bring you together. We do the introduction. A TRTLE is that brief moment when you forget the name, you know that awkward pause. Well, that's that brief moment where the name's forgotten and it's the interaction of two parties.

Jason Rigby (19:04):

It's a metaphor for staying anonymous whilst protecting your data and keeping you private.

Alexander McCaig (19:08):

Yeah. And bringing people together.

Jason Rigby (19:08):

And bringing people together.

Alexander McCaig (19:11):

So whether or not you don't like it, I think it fits really well. So deal with it.

Jason Rigby (19:16):

Yeah. Or maybe she didn't understand the complete meeting, and we just gave that to her. But sign up for TRTLE.

Alexander McCaig (19:21):

Listen, if you post something online and that's how you feel about it, I've got to call you out on it. I'm not going to sit here and get called out and not dish it on that.

Jason Rigby (19:31):

Yeah. Alex takes this very personal. He came up with the name. It's a Scottish name.

Alexander McCaig (19:36):

Yeah. It's a Scottish term.

Jason Rigby (19:39):

Yeah. So you go to TRTLE. That's the name, not turtle. TRTLE.co.

Alexander McCaig (19:43):

Dot co. No need for the M, it's a waste of typing.

Jason Rigby (19:46):

And we're out.

Alexander McCaig (19:48):


Recorded voice (19:56):

Thank you for listening to TRTLE cast with your hosts, Alexander McCaig and Jason Rigby. Where humanity steps into the future and your source data finds the path. What's your data worth?