Tartle Best Data Marketplace
Tartle Best Data Marketplace
Tartle Best Data Marketplace
Tartle Best Data Marketplace
October 12, 2021

I Think, Therefore I Earn: Selling Your Data on the TARTLE Marketplace

I Think, Therefore I Earn

With all the technology that we have today, imagine how all the most important and meaningful parts of your life have been condensed into a bunch of data packets. Now that people are becoming more aware of how all-encompassing our online presence has become, we are on the cusp of changing the way we deal with our information.

This won’t be an easy task and even the most advanced countries are still taking their first steps in redistributing the power of data sharing to the people. However, we are confident about our capacity to push this forward and help in the work of spreading awareness. In this episode, we discuss how the TARTLE marketplace is designed to help restore equilibrium to data management and sharing.

Reclaiming Your Data

These days, data is more than just the information needed to access certain websites and applications. It’s what companies, and even some governments, use to provide a tailored experience. This covers our ad preferences, history, and the connections that we make. 

When you think of how much data you create, you’re bound to wonder: do I create data, or does data create me? In the status quo, people do not have a lot of control over their own information. Our lack of awareness when it comes to what we can do with the data we create has given social media platforms a prime advantage: they can profit off of our interests, social circles, and movements. 

While the European Union’s GDPR and an overall trend towards increased data awareness around the world is helping alleviate the situation, it’s not enough to help people take the next step forward. We all deserve a platform where we can practise taking initiative and having active ownership over our own data to help expedite the process.

TARTLE is a marketplace that operates around the clock and is available around the world. We are offering a nonprofit platform that empowers individuals on the ground to practise autonomy and self-sovereignty. On the TARTLE marketplace, you are fully responsible for your information. It’s our way of helping bring back power to the people.

Turning Your Thoughts Into Passive Income

What if you could earn passive income for your thoughts? Technology is capable of shaping the way we think and act in the same way that we are capable of using technology for our own gain. With this in mind, TARTLE created a way for you to place all your data on a secure platform— with the added benefit of having it siloed in there as well.

There is plenty of potential in how we express ourselves. Data is always in your possession and as long as you’re online, it’s growing. It does not discriminate as well because regardless of your location, ethnicity, or personal beliefs, technology will still maintain a profile of who you are and what you like doing as a digital citizen. 

But if so much potential exists, why don’t we feel like we’re doing anything groundbreaking with our smartphones? This is because the power we have over our information has been seized by other actors: corporations and even governments. It’s high time we took it upon ourselves to restore a balance within that system.

To parallel it in other scenarios, there is a need for equilibrium in plenty of natural systems. We need balance in our climate, our physical and mental wellbeing, thermodynamics, energy, and more because too much of anything can become dangerous. This is what inspired us to create TARTLE: the need to provide a supportive structure that people and communities on the ground could grow off of.

“If there's no balance, then there's no real learning that can happen here,” Alexander argued, “There's no real fair exchange occurring.”

The TARTLE platform recognizes that everyone is equal in the creation of information, and that everyone has the equal opportunity to earn off of it.

Closing Thoughts: How Data Can Make Us Better People

Data is capable of making us better people because it breaks down preconceived notions and barriers to communication that we may have had of others. Often, opportunities to connect are limited to certain geographical areas or social classes. 

Here is a way we can all  participate in a flexible, antifragile free market that will bend and grow seamlessly with continued human interaction. The TARTLE platform will learn from how we compile our data and who we choose to sell it to. The more we use TARTLE to facilitate data sharing, the higher our chances of communing with other people from vastly different backgrounds and fostering understanding as a natural byproduct of our own efforts. 

This is how we evolve.

What’s your data worth? Sign up for the TARTLE Marketplace through this link here.

I Think, Therefore I Earn: Selling Your Data on the TARTLE Marketplace
I Think, Therefore I Earn: Selling Your Data on the TARTLE Marketplace

With all the technology that we have today, imagine how all the most important and meaningful parts of your life have been condensed into a bunch of data packets. Now that people are becoming more aware of how all-encompassing our online presence has become, we are on the cusp of changing the way we deal with our information.

Feature Image Credit: Envato Elements

For those who are hard of hearing – the episode transcript can be read below:


Alexander McCaig (00:08):

All right. Welcome back to TARTLEcast. Jason and I were having a discussion the other day via text, because we just can't stop talking to one another. And we wanted to talk about some definitive things around sort of the design and working of the marketplace itself. There's all this talk and chatter around like Bitcoin solve, the definite. And like you were saying, they take principles of physics and things like that. And then they say Bitcoin does this. This is the fix.

Alexander McCaig (00:45):

In some ways it does. There are some definite truths that are happening there. But if you go a little bit deeper, it's a lot of people like haven't done the work on it. It's not so much about the tool itself that is Bitcoin, right? As what people coin as a currency, no pun intended. It's really more about the idea of what it stands for, which is something that you and I talked about. It's about being self-sovereign, being self-sustainable, not having a reliance on a government, finding my own responsibility. And then as a community coming together and determining socially what we deem that value. It's the balance of power is back in play. It was out of ... The shift was more like our governments are in control. The central banks are in control. And they're like, "Well, that's gotten a little out of hand. It doesn't help us out very much. Let's shift back towards us."

Alexander McCaig (01:39):

And this is just Bitcoin and the community around it, the memes and everything are a sounding board for really that sort of that social idea, that social change that's happening.

Jason Rigby (01:47):

Yeah, that decentralized view. Whenever you look at government, in our big seven, we have government corporate transparency, but then you look at big tech corporations that are taking our data. Because I want to correlate this. Before we get into the marketplace, I want to make sure we understand the philosophy of data. And we've done a whole podcast on the philosophy of data, but it's important that you understand that you're creating this data. This is property that's yours. Just as you own a house, you own your data.

Alexander McCaig (02:21):

Does anybody own your thoughts? No. You do. You have to think about something before you do something. And when that action is done, you own that action.

Jason Rigby (02:32):

And data is a language.

Alexander McCaig (02:33):

Data is a language.

Jason Rigby (02:34):

So just as you speak words, whatever language.

Alexander McCaig (02:37):

Or think thoughts.

Jason Rigby (02:38):


Alexander McCaig (02:38):

Data captures that. It captures those things of you, about you, under your control, of your ownership, for you to share when you choose to do so.

Jason Rigby (02:49):

And we're all. If we're on any type of device, then what's the world? What's percentage? 60% of the world has cell phones now?

Alexander McCaig (02:57):

Yeah, I think there's 4.3 billion. There's seven and a half billion people. 4.3 billion of which have a smartphone.

Jason Rigby (03:02):

Yes. So majority of people have some type of phone, so they are creating data.

Alexander McCaig (03:07):


Jason Rigby (03:08):

If you're going on a social media site, you are creating data.

Alexander McCaig (03:10):


Jason Rigby (03:12):

You have the ability through TARTLE's marketplace to sell that data.

Alexander McCaig (03:17):


Jason Rigby (03:18):

You as a buyer have the ability to come on to the marketplace and buy data from people.

Alexander McCaig (03:24):

Right, so that you, as that buyer can learn from people and their thoughts and actions.

Jason Rigby (03:30):

So let's get into this marketplace. And this was something I was texting you, is that most markets are like New York Stock Exchange is 9:30 to 4:00 East Coast Time. And then it goes into the Australia market, the Asian markets, then London hits. So you have this time. And it's Monday through Friday, holidays, they're off, because we have to understand and this is very important, is the market can only stay open that long because of the human capacity to control that market.

Alexander McCaig (04:03):


Jason Rigby (04:04):

So you have a certain amount of workers that work at the New York Stock Exchange. They have this that they've set up probably very efficiently and have the ability and this works best for that marketplace.

Alexander McCaig (04:15):

And the banks that choose to interact with that marketplace.

Jason Rigby (04:18):


Alexander McCaig (04:18):

It works on their time.

Jason Rigby (04:19):

And we've chosen to give value to that marketplace and say this marketplace is legit, just as with currency or whatever, this is legit, this, it has value. And so now we're at 20,019, whatever the Dow Jones ADESA revenue. And that's even something too where we take this industrial average and we turn around and say the market is based off of this.

Alexander McCaig (04:42):

Yeah. Growth is based off of this. Finance does not define human evolution or growth.

Jason Rigby (04:47):


Alexander McCaig (04:48):

Not at all. An increase in dollar value does not mean the planet lives longer. But the value of what is created through these marketplaces is limited from nine to five. You're going to limit the capacity for growth change and everything because of time, because it's comfortable for one country itself? No. We needed to open up and become inclusive and global, which means your marketplace has to be open 24/7 for everybody to interact with when it works best for that individual.

Jason Rigby (05:16):

And it limits people, whether you have Robinhood or whatever you may have, you have to have monetary funds, Fiat currency to turn around and purchase assets that you hold. You can turn around and you can sell them, buy and sell. Whereas TARTLE's marketplace, not only is it 24/7, but you have already created assets that you can turn around and sell, but you're creating these automatically daily.

Alexander McCaig (05:45):

All the time. So if you're making these things all day long, but not turning them into an asset because you're not a part of TARTLE, well, what benefit are you making then from all these thoughts and actions you're creating? You're like leaving all these resources and opportunities behind you. You're not utilizing them. TARTLE asks you to passively utilize all these things. Put them all in there. Store it safely. And then earn from that storing.

Jason Rigby (06:12):

And the beautiful part is, as you're creating this data, you're turning around and making you. You as a human nowadays is defined by our data. So you human, creating data going to TARTLE, a 24/7 marketplace, whether you're in Australia, whether you're in Nigeria, Pakistan, wherever you may be, you are turning around creating this data. Now you are able 24/7 to log into this marketplace and take ownership of your data.

Jason Rigby (06:48):

So when we talk about, because I want to get into this a little bit more before we get into the anti-fragile part of it. But when we talk about taking ownership and being responsible for something that you're creating ...

Alexander McCaig (06:58):

That's what ownership is.

Jason Rigby (06:59):


Alexander McCaig (07:00):

That's the key word, responsible. You need to be responsible, be responsible for your thoughts, be responsible for your actions, be responsible for your interactions, because if those are captured as data right now in this day and age, it's your responsibility to say, "Okay, it has been captured. This is me. I'm going to hold onto it. I'm going to take the responsibility of managing this thing that I've been creating."

Jason Rigby (07:27):

And not give the risk because you're giving your sovereignty and responsibility to a third party, to someone else.

Alexander McCaig (07:36):

And when you do that, you limit your power, you limit your freewill, you limit your economic opportunity, and you limit the learning of yourself because you're not reflecting on it, you're not using it to your advantage. TARTLE offers you an opportunity to create advantage for yourself, advantage in life advantage, advantage in understanding.

Jason Rigby (07:54):

Well, I mean, number seven on our big seven is economic equalization. And explain the equalization when it comes to data.

Alexander McCaig (08:00):

Yeah, equalization. Okay? If we're looking at equalization, it's not in the sense that everything is the same across the board. It's the opportunity of that data. We are all equal in the creation of that information. We all have the equal opportunity to earn off of that. No one country or person, wherever they may be, from the Philippines to British Columbia. There's no difference depending on the geography. Everybody has access to it. The choice is yours.

Jason Rigby (08:32):

So you're telling me the marketplace is on a level playing field ...

Alexander McCaig (08:36):

It's completely-

Jason Rigby (08:37):

... for everyone?

Alexander McCaig (08:38):

Why? Because our framework is a human framework. It requires that balance and unifying principle of everybody. If we look at everybody as a human being, it allows us to understand and open up opportunity for all human beings. Not limited to one developing country or one that isn't developed.

Jason Rigby (08:58):

Yeah. So I wrote back after we were talking about the 24/7. I said our marketplace has endurance.

Alexander McCaig (09:03):


Jason Rigby (09:04):

Because it's, whenever we look at data as an asset that you're creating daily, that data ... Because I want people to understand the difference between an asset and a data asset. Like, do you know what I'm saying? And I want to kind of be philosophical in this.

Alexander McCaig (09:22):

If I go to list a vase on eBay or a painting or a laptop, I have one of that physical asset or some sort of limited quantity. That lack, the endurance of that ends when that thing, that material thing is now out of my control.

Jason Rigby (09:43):

Yes, exactly.

Alexander McCaig (09:44):

I have sold it. It is gone. Somebody else now possesses it. Data is always your possession. It can always be grown.

Jason Rigby (09:54):


Alexander McCaig (09:54):

It can be evolved. It has no limit. It has endurance because you can copy, recopy, expand, refine all day long changes within that value itself. And the more you know about yourself and the more you can share those deeper knowings, the more value you receive for doing so. That is endurance in evolution. Evolution never stops. The marketplace was designed to evolve with you evolving. So as humanity evolves, and we evolve in our understanding, that perpetuates forever into the future essentially this boundlessness.

Jason Rigby (10:34):

Yeah. And it gives endurance because it's global 24/7 in the sense of that the marketplace, the marketplace is dependent on sellers and buyers, yes. But there's four point ... How many people did you say? Four point-

Alexander McCaig (10:49):

4.3 billion.

Jason Rigby (10:50):

So until 4.3 billion people are on the system selling and buying data, there's a growth that is unlimited.

Alexander McCaig (10:59):

That's correct. And we are sapping our growth by not interacting with one another on this marketplace, using this tool to be advantageous for us as a collective, as human beings.

Jason Rigby (11:11):

So not only is it 24, not only does it have endurance, but it's anti-fragile.

Alexander McCaig (11:15):

Of course, it's anti-fragile. It's anti-fragile because if economy is collapsed, where do people go to seek more earnings? They do it online. They're going to do with their phones.

Jason Rigby (11:26):


Alexander McCaig (11:27):

Economically we're anti-fragile. The system itself, if one country doesn't choose to use it, 221 more will come and adopt it. If some piece of information is not working, a better one will come in to take its place, because the market is free. And a free market is allowed to evolve. It is allowed to be weathered by time and then change and strengthen itself to where these catalysts drive it to be. That catalyst is human beings interacting on this marketplace. It is anti-fragile because it brings people together in a unifying, cohesive nature. When we're brought together as a group, as a coalition, there's great strength in something like that.

Jason Rigby (12:04):

Let's stay there because another word that you used about the marketplace when we're texting is inclusive.

Alexander McCaig (12:08):

It's inclusive, right? Black, white, Muslim, Jewish, Catholic, Buddhist, spiritualist. It does ... Anarchist. It does not matter. We're here for understanding and sharing those truths about ourselves and our experiences. Would you not prevent those from coming on to do something like that because of where they are or how they look or how they think, walk, talk?

Jason Rigby (12:34):

Well, I liked the inclusive part of the data marketplace because it puts everything at a level playing field. Like you just mentioned Christian, Catholic, Buddhists, all those. Your data is worth something to a buyer.

Alexander McCaig (12:49):


Jason Rigby (12:49):

Regardless of your status, of what you ... You may feel like you're, "Well, I'm an anarchist," like you mentioned them, or, "I'm a conservative Republican in the United States-

Alexander McCaig (12:59):

Or I'm a regular person.

Jason Rigby (13:01):

I go for, what's the liberal party in UK, whatever it may be.

Alexander McCaig (13:05):

It don't matter.

Jason Rigby (13:05):

It doesn't matter. I guarantee you there's a buyer that wants to ask you questions and purchase your data.

Alexander McCaig (13:10):

Why? Because somebody wants to understand.

Jason Rigby (13:12):


Alexander McCaig (13:13):

And through that understanding is where we all began to evolve.

Jason Rigby (13:17):

So when it's inclusive, there's no greater than or less than.

Alexander McCaig (13:21):

No. And we couldn't limit the marketplace because if you limit truth, we would then be inhibiting everybody's evolution. It has to be inclusive. What good would it be to exclude people?

Jason Rigby (13:32):


Alexander McCaig (13:33):

There's no good that happens from that. There's no real learning of that experience if there's an exclusion factor. Is that-

Jason Rigby (13:39):

Yeah, that makes sense. And you use another word, balanced.

Alexander McCaig (13:43):

Yeah, balanced.

Jason Rigby (13:43):

The marketplace is balanced.

Alexander McCaig (13:45):

For so long we've been dealing with these asymmetries of power and things like that, much like when we went back to the metaphor of the Bitcoin. It's like, it's that social move. I want to bring that power back to me. The power spectrum has been out of whack. So we need to bring things back into balance. Our climate needs to sit in balance. Our minds seek balance. Our bodies seek equilibrium. That's why we have changes in temperature, thermodynamic stuff. If we do not match that sort of balance to what's going on, we'll tip to one side, we'll fall over. We lack a supportive structure to continue to grow off of. If there's no balance, then there's no real learning that can happen here. There's no real fair exchange occurring.

Alexander McCaig (14:29):

The market isn't albeit free, but it also has to be balanced within its freedom.

Jason Rigby (14:33):


Alexander McCaig (14:33):

Because people can freely corner something. Right? So how do we prevent that? Well, through an architecture of design, we prevent those from throwing a free market into a corner.

Jason Rigby (14:45):

The last one, and we'll close on this and I think this is really good. So TARTLE's marketplace, the other word that you used which I thought great is giving.

Alexander McCaig (14:52):

It's giving. It's giving in the sense ... in three senses, actually, in all sense. You give your data to others. You give yourself earnings. Buyers give you money. The buyers are then also given knowledge. And then from that knowledge, they give you other benefits, services, and goods outside of the TARTLE marketplace because of that data. And then in the altruistic aspect, okay, the real giving aspect is that TARTLE has the big seven involved with it.

Alexander McCaig (15:28):

What that means is we have seven targeted categories where you can choose to take your earnings and donate it, give it to not-for-profits or charities all across the globe so you can help support them in their efforts for what they are trying to champion. Because if you care about climate stability, or if you care about public health, or if you care about government and corporate transparency, you can put money towards those groups that specifically focus on it because you don't have the time to focus on it. But you do now have a resource to share with them so they can continue their focus.

Jason Rigby (16:02):

So whenever we say TARTLE has endurance, TARTLE is giving, TARTLE's marketplace is inclusive, TARTLE's marketplace is evolutive.

Alexander McCaig (16:13):


Jason Rigby (16:14):

When we look at all of those, what do you think prevents people from signing up?

Alexander McCaig (16:19):

Lack of awareness.

Jason Rigby (16:20):


Alexander McCaig (16:21):

Most people are like, "Why haven't I heard about you?" Well, good things take time to hear about. And the more we share as a collective, the better off is. And a lot of algorithms, we all know. People talk about fake news, right? You're inundated with all these other things that have been geared towards these algorithms. So we are something that is like completely against the grain. It's not typically going to show up in what you've been looking at.

Jason Rigby (16:42):


Alexander McCaig (16:43):

And the ones that do find us ahead of time, congratulations.

Jason Rigby (16:45):

So being an early adopter at TARTLE and signing up at tartle.co, what does that look like as far as if ... Because two things I want you to talk about, and we'll close, being an early adopter, what that looks like, and then why it's important to share after you sign up.

Alexander McCaig (17:01):

Yeah. Being an early adopter says I'm going to take a stance. I want to claim ownership of my data. I want to create more opportunity for myself. And I want to help the world at the same time. And in being that early adopter, you are leading the group. You are acting as an example for all those others across the globe. That's important for your local communities, for your family. You're a leader for businesses because they look to you to understand what they should be doing next.

Alexander McCaig (17:26):

So as an early adopter, you take the very patient stance of coming in and saying, "I am willing to wait. I am willing to share. I'm willing to educate because in doing so there are great gains that can happen for all through this process." So when I come on, I am going to work with the data packets. I'm going to interact with that marketplace. And I will patiently wait for the value to come into me.

Alexander McCaig (17:50):

This is an opportunity for you to receive that value. You had no other opportunities before. So being impatient is not going to help, but being patient with this process, being patient with a new tool that takes time to hear about, that takes time to learn, that takes time for people to adopt. Once that starts to roll, then the value rolls in continuously. But it's going to be a little up and down, a little volatile in the beginning to receive that value. But all you have to do is be patient and wait. It doesn't require much effort for you to be a part of the marketplace.

Jason Rigby (18:20):

And when you share, you're now taking, not just taking ownership of your data, but you're turning around your friends, your family, those that you care about. It's humanity in its essence of who we are as a human when we share. It's this good, it's this good in us that says, "This is a good thing. This is helping humanity. It's my responsibility to share that to those that I care and love."

Alexander McCaig (18:47):

Right. Because if it's good for me, it must be good for others. Let me share with them, because the more of us that come together, the more value we create and the higher the probability of a better future for us all.

Announcer (19:06):

Thank you for listening to TARTLEcast with your hosts, Alexander McCaig and Jason Rigby, where humanity steps into the future, and source data defines the path. What's your data worth?