Tartle Best Data Marketplace
Tartle Best Data Marketplace
Tartle Best Data Marketplace
Tartle Best Data Marketplace
May 23, 2022

Here's the Secret Behind Why TARTLE Grew Super Popular, Super Fast

Here's the Secret Behind Why TARTLE Grew Super Popular, Super Fast

Let’s use history and the evolution of technology to talk about adoption rates.

In the past, technological development was heavily associated with warfare. Private enterprise was the driving force behind the transformation of longbows and broadswords to trebuchets and siege engines.

Notice how this meant that development was placed in the hands of the wealthy and the influential. Today, we ask ourselves: what happens when the tech advantage is given to individuals?

What if the ordinary people are empowered, through technology, to rise above being pawns of the one percent?

How Do We Avoid the Future of Warfare?

One of the biggest concerns we face as a collective is the transition of warfare. In the future, the internet will be the platform upon which entities and governments wage war. This will continue to loom over us if the state continues to define for people what their data is and how it should be used.

And this is a recurring problem in many aspects of our lives. Decision making is centralized. Most of the time, we’re waiting for somebody else to tell us what to do as part of an overarching system.

“That's what's been happening. People have given up their freedom to external hopes and beliefs. And then they turn around, and then the outcome that they're promised, never happens. No matter who you are, whether you're Conservative, or Liberal, or Democrat, Republican, or Socialist Party, or Marxist Party, it doesn't matter,” Jason explained.

Unless we decide to come together and use the internet for fostering human understanding, we won’t be able to change our path.

Closing Thoughts

Today, businesses are fundamentally supported by data. And in the future, it will only be supported by data. Unless you have the data to pre-empt your business decisions and stay ahead of the curve, you may not be able to keep up with these changes. 

This doesn’t hold true for businesses alone. Our digital identities as individuals will soon become a pivotal part of our freedom and autonomy.

RELATED: Diving Into the Deep End With Financier and Author, Leo Tilman

TARTLE is free to use. The platform was made to empower individuals and help them secure their rights. This is their opportunity to achieve financial emancipation through the sharing of their data.

With high adoption rates and no barriers to entry, TARTLE is an opportunity for people to use a free technology that is capable of helping them gain financial stability. This is a symbol of hope, meant to help uplift the common man.

Let’s make TARTLE the largest distribution of wealth recorded in history. 

Here's the Secret Behind Why TARTLE Grew Super Popular, Super Fast
Here's the Secret Behind Why TARTLE Grew Super Popular, Super Fast

In the past, technological development was heavily associated with warfare. Private enterprise was the driving force behind the transformation of longbows and broadswords to trebuchets and siege engines.

Feature Image Credit: Envato Elements

For those who are hard of hearing – the episode transcript can be read below:


Jason Rigby (00:00):

Here we go.

Alexander McCaig (00:10):

This is how we do it.

Jason Rigby (00:13):

This is how we do it. That's a great analogy. Something I want to talk about is... And I don't want to bore people when I say this word, so this is going to go in a whole different direction than what you think.

Alexander McCaig (00:27):


Jason Rigby (00:28):

So when I say adoption rate, don't be like, "Oh my God, this is marketing," or, "This is tech shit. I'm out."

Alexander McCaig (00:35):

Here we go, here we go.

Jason Rigby (00:36):

But the way that people have adopted TARTLE, worldwide... We're in 225 countries. When you look at how fast we're growing, this technology has the potential to be the fastest adoption in all of recorded history. Because when you look at technology down through the centuries, how long did it take for... So let's use a ledger.

Alexander McCaig (01:06):

Okay, I see where you're going.

Jason Rigby (01:07):

You see what I'm-

Alexander McCaig (01:08):

The Babylonians started with ledgers.

Jason Rigby (01:10):

Yes, yes.

Alexander McCaig (01:10):

Their whole idea... So in ancient Babylon. Let's drop back for a second, everybody. The idea was, people had property. Whether it be stocks, like, "I own a business. Or I have land." We need to make sure we have a proper record of who owns what, and how much of it. Those clay tablets-

Jason Rigby (01:30):

Yes. So the Babylonians, let's say, the... We don't know who started ledgers, let's say it was them.

Alexander McCaig (01:35):

Yeah, clay tablets.

Jason Rigby (01:36):

So then merchants and trade comes, and then they're like, "Oh, I like this." So then, that begins to get adopted into other countries. And slowly, you can look at a map, it probably took, what? 50 years, 100 years, to adopt ledgers throughout the world? Maybe even longer.

Alexander McCaig (01:56):

Well, do you want to know where it started? So there was a clay tablet called 322, and it dealt with Pythagorean triples. It was a Sumerian clay tablet with cuneiform on it. And their whole idea was the understanding of geometry squares, so they could measure land, real estate, say who owned what.

Jason Rigby (02:14):

That's awesome.

Alexander McCaig (02:15):

And they had a recorded ledger of it. And it's one of the most studied Babylonian clay tablets of all time.

Jason Rigby (02:19):

That's super cool.

Alexander McCaig (02:20):

Because it showed that they had, or we, misunderstood how much the ancients actually knew about math and geometry.

Jason Rigby (02:28):

So when we look at technology being adopted, and we look at it through history. Then you can look at Facebook, they've got, what? Billions of people now. But that took them, let's say, to the point now... How old are they? 20 years? 15 years? Whatever it may be.

Alexander McCaig (02:43):

Congratulations for living that long.

Jason Rigby (02:45):

Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Alexander McCaig (02:45):

Seriously. It's amazing.

Jason Rigby (02:46):

Oh yeah, it is. But a lot of tech was passed through war, whether it was old crossbow technology, and then next thing you know, "Oh, we can throw oil over the wall, burning hot oil."

Alexander McCaig (02:59):

"Wait a minute, we could turn the cotton gin into a mini gun? A rotary cannon? Wait a minute."

Jason Rigby (03:07):

Yeah, yeah, exactly. This was really funny, I heard the other day, just a quick snippet. Out of the latest technologies from in war time, as far as Naval goes, in the last 200 years, the admirals that we've had in the United States, the admirals that we have had... And I don't know what they call them in England.

Alexander McCaig (03:28):

Why do we always miss this?

Jason Rigby (03:30):

Field marshals or what?

Alexander McCaig (03:31):

Yeah, field marshal's different, but... Oh my God.

Jason Rigby (03:34):

Yeah. But it doesn't matter. The key is this.

Alexander McCaig (03:39):

Tell me.

Jason Rigby (03:39):

Out of the 19 major technologies, like steel ships, stuff like that, submarines, all this, 17 of the 19 were rejected by all these leaders. It took private enterprise to come up with something and then turn around and say... For instance, they-

Alexander McCaig (03:57):


Jason Rigby (03:57):

Yeah, I think I told you about this.

Alexander McCaig (03:58):

Yeah, I love this, I love this one.

Jason Rigby (03:59):

The cavalry were like, "No, no, no, horses are way better than tanks." The Germans were like, "Oh no, we'll build tanks."

Alexander McCaig (04:07):

Yeah. And what were they-

Jason Rigby (04:10):

In World War I, what happened?

Alexander McCaig (04:11):

They were like, "Okay, this is not working out." Because they said-

Jason Rigby (04:13):

How many horses would die with a tank?

Alexander McCaig (04:18):

Because they said, "For thousands of years, man has used this in warfare." But that adoption is slow, right? So war, from the longbow, right from essentially the broad sword, Bronze Age to the broadsword, the longbow, to plated armor, to crossbows, trebuchet, siege engines, and then it grows and grows and grows and grows and grows.

Jason Rigby (04:42):


Alexander McCaig (04:43):

Yeah. The adoption of these things only happen at the time when there's political turmoil. And somebody has a good reason to go say like, "I now have a technological advantage." That's just a country that has that. The government says, or the monarchy, "We have a technological advantage." Fast forward to us today, what happens when the technological advantage is handed over to individuals? What happens when you give them the choice of whether or not they want to use this technology?

Jason Rigby (05:14):

That makes sense, yes.

Alexander McCaig (05:15):

For free. The adoption rate skyrockets. Your J-curve's insane. It's almost vertical. And so, if you then combine... To go back to the Babylonian perspective, economics. So not only are you going to give me a free technology, but you're going to tell me that this tool can also help me in an economic way? So I can actually have a financial gain from using this new technology, which I have the choice to adopt? Why wouldn't I do that?

Jason Rigby (05:48):

Yeah, 100%. And not only that, but as you see technology evolving now, and we're looking at how quickly things are being implemented. We're at this stage right now where technology... We can 1,000 x what was 20 years ago.

Alexander McCaig (06:05):

Oh, most definitely.

Jason Rigby (06:06):

But when we look at TARTLE, to me, we have the potential to have the fastest adoption of a technology, because TARTLE is its own technology, in all of recorded history. Which leads to, if that... Let's say, that user case. If this becomes a reality, which it's well on its way to being that.

Alexander McCaig (06:24):

It's well on its way to that reality.

Jason Rigby (06:26):

Then TARTLE would be the largest distribution of wealth recorded in history ever.

Alexander McCaig (06:31):

So we're going to have to break that down.

Jason Rigby (06:33):

Yeah. Well, and let me give an explanation, one, I want to start you off with. I'm going to put you on the right path. Here we go.

Alexander McCaig (06:41):

Tee me up.

Jason Rigby (06:42):

Yeah, I'm going to tee you up. Okay, here's why. Anybody can participate in it. Anybody. You don't have to be a hedge fund manager.

Alexander McCaig (06:50):

No, you don't have to have resources ahead of time.

Jason Rigby (06:52):

You don't have to be an American, privileged.

Alexander McCaig (06:55):

No, you don't. You can be the poorest of the poor or the richest of the rich. It's a completely equalized field. It's a tool which anybody can be a part of. It's like oxygen. TARTLE's like oxygen. It's not for one person to say, "I own all the oxygen rights."

Jason Rigby (07:10):

Yeah, it doesn't work that way.

Alexander McCaig (07:12):

We all get our share in the oxygen. And when we breathe it and exchange it, we share it back with the planet. So the planet continues to do its thing. Business, nowadays, is fundamentally supported by data. In the future, it will only be supported by data. All decision makings, everything, fundamentally based on data. Nothing else.

Jason Rigby (07:33):

Yeah. And I encourage people to watch it, Leo Tilman?

Alexander McCaig (07:38):


Jason Rigby (07:38):

The book he wrote, the book, Agile. You had a podcast, and it was just released two weeks ago. And I watched it. You had a podcast with him and you on there. And he was over and over again, talking about data, 4.0.

Alexander McCaig (07:54):


Jason Rigby (07:55):

Yeah. And then going into the future, and what it's going to look like with the world economic forum, what they've been talking about with the, what is it, the fourth industrial revolution?

Alexander McCaig (08:06):

That's correct.

Jason Rigby (08:07):

Third or whatever it is.

Alexander McCaig (08:07):

Third or whatever it is.

Jason Rigby (08:08):

Yeah, so data is paramount. And the best minds in the world are thinking about this.

Alexander McCaig (08:15):

Right. And if you don't have it, well, then, you're going to be a lagger. And you also won't be able to adapt to society. Society's going to change faster than you can keep up with it, unless you have the data to analyze it. So if we think about TARTLE having the greatest adoption curve ever, there's no cost for the use of this tool. This tool empowers individuals and helps them secure their rights. And it also financially emancipates them from current situations they're in, through the sharing. So what happens here? One individual in a developing country may join TARTLE. They sell some data. They can now afford themselves food for the next week to feed themselves and their family. What do you think they're going to do? They're going to tell their wife, their brother, their cousin, their children, their grandmother. They're going to tell all their friends in the surrounding area, "You should sign up for this."

Jason Rigby (09:19):

Well, adoption affects repeat themselves.

Alexander McCaig (09:21):

That's the whole point. And when one individual feels the success, they share it quickly with all those other people. And it's free for them to all join in on. There's nothing prohibiting them from doing it. And it's not difficult to use.

Jason Rigby (09:33):

So whenever you have this adoption effect, and there's no barrier of entry, then TARTLE becomes the biggest network application because it's built on human work.

Alexander McCaig (09:47):

Right. So if we're talking about the greatest amount of wealth generated ever, it will happen on TARTLE. Because the work happens with people's minds, their thoughts. And they are generating data, these assets, nobody can take that away from them. They don't have to pay to be into part of this system. They do it through work. And every single one of those assets has a dollar value associated with it. So when billions of people are generating trillions of pieces of data, all with a dollar value associated with it, I hope the light bulb starts to click here or turn on.

Jason Rigby (10:22):

Well, I want people to look at it this way. You have a digital identity.

Alexander McCaig (10:26):

Thank you.

Jason Rigby (10:27):

So look at yourself as a person that you have this... More than you think. There's gigabytes of you.

Alexander McCaig (10:36):

Anybody ever take a picture of you?

Jason Rigby (10:37):

A digital entity. Yeah, if you could take a picture of you, and that would be really interesting with all your data all smashed all around, and then it makes it you. But digital identity, the investment is that culture will become your digital identity.

Alexander McCaig (10:53):

Yes, it will.

Jason Rigby (10:54):

And that's what everybody's investing on. That's where the world leaders are thinking. That's where these smart minds are thinking. Digital, the metaverse, and all that, digital identity is culture.

Alexander McCaig (11:06):

Because people are inherently living more of their life online. So culture will happen in this real world we feel here, the very material world, but will transition itself into something very immaterial. It will be a duplicate copy, if not an exponentially greater, more saturated cultural aspect in the digital realm that otherwise didn't exist.

Jason Rigby (11:27):

And what you have now with your digital identity is, they are harvesting it for free. They are harvesting you and your work for free. Big tech is doing this.

Alexander McCaig (11:38):

What happens when a culture gets oppressed? French Revolution.

Jason Rigby (11:46):

Well, this is where I'm getting into. This is right exactly. War will be fought through digital sovereign states.

Alexander McCaig (11:55):

Wow. So the CIA-

Jason Rigby (11:57):

And it's going to fraction the online world.

Alexander McCaig (11:59):

Yeah, the CIA knows this.

Jason Rigby (12:00):

Yeah, the CIA knows this. That's why the other day somebody was saying that the CIA came up with Ethereum.

Alexander McCaig (12:05):

Well, think about it. They understand that there's the transition of warfare. And they saw this with Edward Snowden. And this is what a lot of Snowden was working on with the XKeyscore. They saw that the future of warfare would be done on the internet. So as these collectives, coalitions, sovereign groups, act online throughout their cultures, there will be some rubbing, some friction, that happens here. That's if, and only if, the state continues to define for people what their culture is, and how that data should be used.

Jason Rigby (12:40):

And so as we become the largest digital sovereign state, because TARTLE will become the largest, then big tech will look at TARTLE and there will be war.

Alexander McCaig (12:52):

Yeah, as a threat.

Jason Rigby (12:53):


Alexander McCaig (12:53):

They'll look at it as a threat. But we come to them as an option to respect the rights of those individuals.

Jason Rigby (12:59):

Yes, yeah. But, well, what people have to... I want to make sure I make this clear. This is very, very important.

Alexander McCaig (13:06):

Fucking get it so clear for me, please.

Jason Rigby (13:09):

And I have this in my notes. A free market, the people set the rules.

Alexander McCaig (13:16):

That's what I was trying to lead on.

Jason Rigby (13:17):

So it becomes a pragmatic solution to the world's issues.

Alexander McCaig (13:21):

Wonderful word choice. A lot of the issues in our world have been because somebody else tells someone else what to do.

Jason Rigby (13:32):

Yes. Well, it's centralized.

Alexander McCaig (13:34):

Well, yeah, and it's centralized, but it removes the choice. It tells people to believe in these systems. And then when the system doesn't work for them, what happens?

Jason Rigby (13:45):

But that's what's been happening. People have given up their freedom to external hopes and beliefs. And then they turn around, and then the outcome that they're promised, never happens. No matter who you are, whether you're Conservative, or Liberal, or Democrat, Republican, or Socialist Party, or Marxist Party, it doesn't matter.

Alexander McCaig (14:07):

Pay attention, it never works.

Jason Rigby (14:09):

It never works.

Alexander McCaig (14:10):

It never did.

Jason Rigby (14:10):

It never does.

Alexander McCaig (14:11):

So what we find now, is that you no longer have to put your belief and your free will... You don't have to give it up to these other centralized fascist monarchs, or whatever it might be, that you want to give it up to. Technology is now affording you to take that power back and make the choice for yourself. And now, the States are trying to keep up with the amount of growth of, essentially, all these sovereign nodes that are popping up on the internet.

Jason Rigby (14:42):

But the beautiful part about us being a digital sovereign state, TARTLE, in and of itself, is, as we grow, we're promoting free market. We're promoting free will. We're promoting work that you do. We're promoting taking personal responsibility. You can't go against that.

Alexander McCaig (14:58):

No, you can't. And if you go against that, you go against what it means to be a human being. And these human beings that are on TARTLE, the millions of them, decide where they want their future to go.

Jason Rigby (15:10):

Well, they talk about Dow's and all this new stuff, but it's just an agreement on getting things done.

Alexander McCaig (15:14):

That's all it is.

Jason Rigby (15:15):

That's all it is.

Alexander McCaig (15:15):

People are trying to find a way just to come to an agreement. But if we do not understand one another, if we do not afford sovereignty to individual's choice making, and let them be heard... Which is one of the most difficult things to do is actually get people to interface with you, to hear their voice. If that doesn't happen, I don't care what you're doing with technology. It won't work.

Jason Rigby (15:35):

It won't work. But when you look at... Because specifically, I want people to understand this. When you look at TARTLE, and you look at the economics of it, like in the sense of, "Okay, I'm doing work. I have a digital identity. I'm doing work online. I'm getting paid for the work that I'm doing. It's a free market, seller buyer, buyer seller, back and forth." Then it becomes the largest economic ecosystem in the world.

Alexander McCaig (16:01):


Jason Rigby (16:01):


Alexander McCaig (16:02):

The internet, for a long time, lacked direction, lacked purpose. The whole point of the internet is human understanding. We only communicate with one another to try and understand. But it's still lacked direction. There wasn't a real clarifying tool. There wasn't a way for people to be incentivized to refine their focus, take responsibility, and actually share something to elevate human understanding.

Jason Rigby (16:32):

Yes, 100%.

Alexander McCaig (16:34):

Okay. TARTLE shows up, we got something free. Anybody who's in the internet can access it. It doesn't matter who you are, where you're from, what you're doing. You have the ability to refine your focus and share information to truly uplift human understanding through this communication. And you get a financial incentive for that sharing.

Jason Rigby (16:52):

But TARTLE, basically, is reengineering the internet from the ground up.

Alexander McCaig (16:58):

It has to. If the foundation is not reworked, then it won't work at scale. So we have created a tool that realigns the internet, fundamentally, for actually the benefit of the individual.

Jason Rigby (17:14):

Well, not only that-

Alexander McCaig (17:15):

Not for the people who run the servers of the internet.

Jason Rigby (17:17):

Well, when you look at TARTLE... And I like to say it is the greatest movement of all time, because a movement, you have political, you have economic, you have financial and you have cultural. And each one of those, political, whether you want the word politic, in and of itself, is not what you think it is. We're not choosing a side, Republican... We're free market. That means we're for you and your sovereignty.

Alexander McCaig (17:42):

Yeah, we're apolitical.

Jason Rigby (17:44):

Yeah. And financial, of course, we just talked about that. Cultural, we talked about that. So that's what creates a society. And TARTLE becomes a healthy society.

Alexander McCaig (17:55):

And now, the metaverse, has a foundation to stand upon.

Jason Rigby (17:59):

Well, it's a stake in the network.

Alexander McCaig (18:00):

That's precisely correct. And every individual takes their own stake. And some people are like, "Well, are you guys Web 3.0?" No, we're beyond that.

Jason Rigby (18:08):

No, no.

Alexander McCaig (18:08):

The whole idea of NFTs, that have recently blown up, we were far before that.

Jason Rigby (18:13):

Well, TARTLE's end state-

Alexander McCaig (18:15):

Go ahead.

Jason Rigby (18:15):

It's digital, it's a digital finance system. It's a Dow corporate system. It's a social tokens' NFT. It digitally identifies stores of values. And it's digital meets physical. It's all of Web 3.0 already.

Alexander McCaig (18:29):

It's already built. It's already there. And what people don't see, when they look at TARTLE, is that the whole fabric of what happens on TARTLE, in the very background, every data packet is an NFT.

Jason Rigby (18:41):

Well, I like that-

Alexander McCaig (18:41):

Your whole profile is an NFT.

Jason Rigby (18:44):

All puzzle pieces lead back to TARTLE.

Alexander McCaig (18:46):

Every single one.

Jason Rigby (18:47):

It's everyone. And this is something I want people to really think about this. But we're, basically, the Netflix of data.

Alexander McCaig (18:55):

Listen, I'm going to sit here and start smoking dope on camera, because that's what we're doing. We're smoking our own dope. But it's legit though. Why do you go to Netflix? You go to Netflix because you want to be entertained. You are paid back, for the selection, so I choose what movie I want to watch.

Jason Rigby (19:13):

Yeah, here's the data packet. I choose this data packet. I'm going to do some work right now.

Alexander McCaig (19:16):

I'm going to do some work.

Jason Rigby (19:16):

I've got 10 minutes. Okay, let me look at this data packet. This data packet says it's going to take me 10 minutes to complete. I click on that one. I complete that data packet. Oh, I go back, look at my wallet the next day, whatever, and there's money in there.

Alexander McCaig (19:30):

My God, there's money in there? Yeah, because people are so curious. Netflix wants to know what you're watching. So in a very roundabout sense, you're paying them so they can know more about you and continue to feed you more stuff.

Jason Rigby (19:43):

Well, it's a free market, in the sense of... If Squid Game... That started from nothing. That guy, he bidded on a laptop. He didn't have any money. We heard all the story of that. And then it becomes, for a while, it was most popular. Still is, probably, top 10. So who decided that it was popular? The people, the users.

Alexander McCaig (20:02):

Yeah, it's not like Netflix was like, "Oh, look how popular it is."

Jason Rigby (20:05):

I don't think they've done that yet. They probably will push agendas. And I imagine Paramount may say, "Hey, we'll give you extra money if you promote this."

Alexander McCaig (20:13):

I will share. I have been working on a new mathematical formula. And what I'm trying to find is, how do I mathematically define cause and effect? And how do I, essentially, force a probability and determine the time of when that probability will occur?

Jason Rigby (20:32):

There's so many variants to that.

Alexander McCaig (20:34):

Right. So I've been distilling it down. So when you say-

Jason Rigby (20:36):

You can always go back and look, and then you can dissect that out of the timeline.

Alexander McCaig (20:41):

Right. But then, going forward, how is it when-

Jason Rigby (20:44):

But to predict future?

Alexander McCaig (20:45):

What happens when a new node comes in? And what's the essential, or how would I say, how many interactions are happening in it? And how strong is that interaction, also has an effect on it. So your point on Netflix, Netflix is going to drive things to you. They'll essentially try to force the frequency of how many times this thing is seen. Not that they directly tell you that you need to watch it, but they're an indirect, subconscious manipulation of seeing this thing over and over. You're like, "Oh, I need to use this." There's a formula to that.

Jason Rigby (21:16):

Well, it's also, if there's top 10 videos-

Alexander McCaig (21:21):

What are you going to do? Well, everyone else is watching it.

Jason Rigby (21:22):

Well, everybody else is watching it, yeah. So if we have top 10 data packets... But I said Netflix of data, just-

Alexander McCaig (21:26):

Did you just say top 10 data packets?

Jason Rigby (21:27):

Yeah, the top 10.

Alexander McCaig (21:27):

Hold on, I got to write to the team.

Jason Rigby (21:33):

Make the packets just like the interface. We're going to make really cool thumbnails.

Alexander McCaig (21:38):

Like little preview.

Jason Rigby (21:39):

Hey, we're talking marketing right now on the podcast. But let's sum this up. What I was meaning Netflix of data, in the sense of the choice, the variety, of the data packets. The ability for you to go in there, anytime, any place, anywhere. We're even a gear. If you have a low-powered cell phone, and you have a phone that's been given to you for free, and you can kind of get on the internet, we're making it. Gustavo, shout out to him. He's working to make sure that the system works.

Alexander McCaig (22:06):

Yesterday, we reached 100% accessibility benchmark. So it doesn't matter how low-powered that device is, or any sort of handicap you may have visually-

Jason Rigby (22:16):

Or the small screens, yeah, yes.

Alexander McCaig (22:18):

Anything like that. We have actually redesigned the system so it absolutely works for everybody.

Jason Rigby (22:22):

It slaps.

Alexander McCaig (22:22):

It slaps.

Jason Rigby (22:23):

Yeah. So if somebody wants to be a buyer of data, how simple is that?

Alexander McCaig (22:27):

Oh, good. Yeah, no problem. You are going to email mh@tartle.co.

Jason Rigby (22:33):


Alexander McCaig (22:35):

And if you email our chief revenue officer, we will hook you up with 5,000 free data packets.

Jason Rigby (22:41):

Right. So you'd say you saw it on this podcast.

Alexander McCaig (22:42):

Okay, "I heard the podcast," blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. "TARTLE's the future. I get it. I want to be a part of it." Email that guy. And if you don't want your 5,000 for free, you go to tartle.co and you sign up as a buyer.

Jason Rigby (22:52):

Yeah, you can just go on there. And you can sign up for a buyer, and then email mh@tartle, and say, "Hey, I want my free data packets." But we would love to, wherever you're at in the world, if you want to buy data-

Alexander McCaig (23:02):

I don't care, Indonesia, whatever.

Jason Rigby (23:03):

Yeah, it doesn't matter. We'd love to have you be on this latest, greatest, best ever, technology for the world.

Alexander McCaig (23:11):


Jason Rigby (23:12):


Alexander McCaig (23:13):

Thank you.

Speaker 3 (23:13):

Thank you for listening to TARTLE Cast with your hosts, Alexander McCaig and Jason Rigby, where humanity steps into the future and source data defines the path. What's your data worth?